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Re: logrotate.d/apache restart method

> Also, consider this: if Apache had its logfiles rotated but then it was
> not restarted because the config was broken, then conceivably this could
> happen again at the next rotation, and those logfiles still being written
> to by Apache will be compressed (log -> log.0 -> log.1.gz).  After the
> compress is finished, gzip would unlink the log file, but it would not
> be removed from the disk because Apache still has it open and is writing
> to it.  On a busy server with rapidly growing log files, you could then
> find you've run out of disk because of a log file that is open but does
> not appear with 'ls' because it has been unlinked from the directory.

This makes a lot of sense, I'm convinced.  To get around this would mean
more taking-care-of-the-admin then belongs in a logrotate script.

Thanks for the explanation.

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