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Re: Perl & Apache

dizma said:
> Hi there,
> I'm running woody.
> I want my apache server to be able to starts perl scripts.
> Which perl module should I install to achieve that?
> And what I need to change in my httpd.conf file
> dizma


The mandate of the debian-apache list is for discussion of the Debian
Apache packages, not a user support group: sorry.  (It does say that on
the list page.)  The debian-user mailing list is probably a better place
to ask questions of this nature.  There are also 'user' lists in
languages other than English if it is not your first language and you
are not comfortable discussing complex technical stuff in it.  There's
also the Debian IRC server(s).

If you want to run CGI scripts (which can be written in Perl, C, Bourne
shell, or even INTERCAL) then you should make a place to put them and
then provide access to this place with a 'ScriptAlias' directive in your
httpd.conf file.  You may also need a <Directory> or <Location> section
to allow access to this place.

For more information, read through the contents of the apache-doc
package, or read the documentation online here:


The documentation on the Apache website is - obviously - not specific to
Debian systems, but there's enough good stuff there to get you started.


Andrew Shugg <andrew@neep.com.au>                   http://www.neep.com.au/

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

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