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Updated Debian 10: 10.9 released

The Debian Project                               https://www.debian.org/
Updated Debian 10: 10.9 released                        press@debian.org
March 27th, 2021               https://www.debian.org/News/2021/20210327

The Debian project is pleased to announce the ninth update of its stable
distribution Debian 10 (codename "buster"). This point release mainly
adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for
serious problems. Security advisories have already been published
separately and are referenced where available.

Please note that the point release does not constitute a new version of
Debian 10 but only updates some of the packages included. There is no
need to throw away old "buster" media. After installation, packages can
be upgraded to the current versions using an up-to-date Debian mirror.

Those who frequently install updates from security.debian.org won't have
to update many packages, and most such updates are included in the point

New installation images will be available soon at the regular locations.

Upgrading an existing installation to this revision can be achieved by
pointing the package management system at one of Debian's many HTTP
mirrors. A comprehensive list of mirrors is available at:


Miscellaneous Bugfixes

This stable update adds a few important corrections to the following

| Package                   | Reason                                  |
| avahi [1]                 | Remove avahi-daemon-check-dns          
|                           | mechanism, which is no longer needed    |
|                           |                                         |
| base-files [2]            | Update /etc/debian_version for the 10.9 |
|                           | point release                           |
|                           |                                         |
| cloud-init [3]            | Avoid logging generated passwords to   
|                           | world-readable log files [CVE-2021-     |
|                           | 3429]                                   |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-archive-           | Add bullseye keys; retire jessie keys   |
| keyring [4]               |                                        
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer [5]      | Use 4.19.0-16 Linux kernel ABI         
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer-netboot- | Rebuild against proposed-updates        |
| images [6]                |                                        
|                           |                                         |
| exim4 [7]                 | Fix use of concurrent TLS connections  
|                           | under GnuTLS; fix TLS certificate       |
|                           | verification with CNAMEs;               |
|                           | README.Debian: document the limitation/ |
|                           | extent of server certificate            |
|                           | verification in the default             |
|                           | configuration                           |
|                           |                                         |
| fetchmail [8]             | No longer report  "System error during 
|                           | SSL_connect(): Success" ; remove        |
|                           | OpenSSL version check                   |
|                           |                                         |
| fwupd [9]                 | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| fwupd-amd64-signed [10]   | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| fwupd-arm64-signed [11]   | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| fwupd-armhf-signed [12]   | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| fwupd-i386-signed [13]    | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| fwupdate [14]             | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| fwupdate-amd64-           | Add SBAT support                        |
| signed [15]               |                                        
|                           |                                         |
| fwupdate-arm64-           | Add SBAT support                        |
| signed [16]               |                                        
|                           |                                         |
| fwupdate-armhf-           | Add SBAT support                        |
| signed [17]               |                                        
|                           |                                         |
| fwupdate-i386-signed [18] | Add SBAT support                       
|                           |                                         |
| gdnsd [19]                | Fix stack overflow with overly-large   
|                           | IPv6 addresses [CVE-2019-13952]         |
|                           |                                         |
| groff [20]                | Rebuild against ghostscript 9.27       
|                           |                                         |
| hwloc-contrib [21]        | Enable support for the ppc64el         
|                           | architecture                            |
|                           |                                         |
| intel-microcode [22]      | Update various microcode               
|                           |                                         |
| iputils [23]              | Fix ping rounding errors; fix tracepath |
|                           | target corruption                       |
|                           |                                         |
| jquery [24]               | Fix untrusted code execution           
|                           | vulnerabilities [CVE-2020-11022         |
|                           | CVE-2020-11023]                         |
|                           |                                         |
| libbsd [25]               | Fix out-of-bounds read issue [CVE-2019- |
|                           | 20367]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| libpano13 [26]            | Fix format string vulnerability        
|                           |                                         |
| libreoffice [27]          | Do not load encodings.py from current  
|                           | directoy                                |
|                           |                                         |
| linux [28]                | New upstream stable release; update ABI |
|                           | to -16; rotate secure boot signing      |
|                           | keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72       |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-latest [29]         | Update to -15 kernel ABI; update for   
|                           | -16 kernel ABI                          |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-signed-amd64 [30]   | New upstream stable release; update ABI |
|                           | to -16; rotate secure boot signing      |
|                           | keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72       |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-signed-arm64 [31]   | New upstream stable release; update ABI |
|                           | to -16; rotate secure boot signing      |
|                           | keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72       |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-signed-i386 [32]    | New upstream stable release; update ABI |
|                           | to -16; rotate secure boot signing      |
|                           | keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72       |
|                           |                                         |
| lirc [33]                 | Normalize embedded $                   
|                           | {DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} value in /etc/     |
|                           | lirc/lirc_options.conf to find          |
|                           | unmodified configuration files on all   |
|                           | architectures; recommend gir1.2-        |
|                           | vte-2.91 instead of non-existent        |
|                           | gir1.2-vte                              |
|                           |                                         |
| m2crypto [34]             | Fix test failure with recent OpenSSL   
|                           | versions                                |
|                           |                                         |
| openafs [35]              | Fix outgoing connections after unix    
|                           | epoch time 0x60000000 (14 January 2021) |
|                           |                                         |
| portaudio19 [36]          | Handle EPIPE from                      
|                           | alsa_snd_pcm_poll_descriptors, fixing   |
|                           | crash                                   |
|                           |                                         |
| postgresql-11 [37]        | New upstream stable release; fix       
|                           | information leakage in constraint-      |
|                           | violation error messages [CVE-2021-     |
|                           | 3393]; fix CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY to |
|                           | wait for concurrent prepared            |
|                           | transactions                            |
|                           |                                         |
| privoxy [38]              | Security issues [CVE-2020-35502        
|                           | CVE-2021-20209 CVE-2021-20210 CVE-2021- |
|                           | 20211 CVE-2021-20212 CVE-2021-20213     |
|                           | CVE-2021-20214 CVE-2021-20215 CVE-2021- |
|                           | 20216 CVE-2021-20217 CVE-2021-20272     |
|                           | CVE-2021-20273 CVE-2021-20275 CVE-2021- |
|                           | 20276]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| python3.7 [39]            | Fix CRLF injection in http.client      
|                           | [CVE-2020-26116]; fix buffer overflow   |
|                           | in PyCArg_repr in _ctypes/callproc.c    |
|                           | [CVE-2021-3177]                         |
|                           |                                         |
| redis [40]                | Fix a series of integer overflow issues |
|                           | on 32-bit systems [CVE-2021-21309]      |
|                           |                                         |
| ruby-mechanize [41]       | Fix command injection issue [CVE-2021- 
|                           | 21289]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| systemd [42]              | core: make sure to restore the control 
|                           | command id, too, fixing a segfault;     |
|                           | seccomp: allow turning off of seccomp   |
|                           | filtering via an environment variable   |
|                           |                                         |
| uim [43]                  | libuim-data: Perform symlink_to_dir    
|                           | conversion of /usr/share/doc/libuim-    |
|                           | data in the resurrected package for     |
|                           | clean upgrades from stretch             |
|                           |                                         |
| xcftools [44]             | Fix integer overflow vulnerability     
|                           | [CVE-2019-5086 CVE-2019-5087]           |
|                           |                                         |
| xterm [45]                | Correct upper-limit for selection      
|                           | buffer, accounting for combining        |
|                           | characters [CVE-2021-27135]             |
|                           |                                         |

    1: https://packages.debian.org/src:avahi
    2: https://packages.debian.org/src:base-files
    3: https://packages.debian.org/src:cloud-init
    4: https://packages.debian.org/src:debian-archive-keyring
    5: https://packages.debian.org/src:debian-installer
    6: https://packages.debian.org/src:debian-installer-netboot-images
    7: https://packages.debian.org/src:exim4
    8: https://packages.debian.org/src:fetchmail
    9: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupd
   10: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupd-amd64-signed
   11: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupd-arm64-signed
   12: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupd-armhf-signed
   13: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupd-i386-signed
   14: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupdate
   15: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupdate-amd64-signed
   16: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupdate-arm64-signed
   17: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupdate-armhf-signed
   18: https://packages.debian.org/src:fwupdate-i386-signed
   19: https://packages.debian.org/src:gdnsd
   20: https://packages.debian.org/src:groff
   21: https://packages.debian.org/src:hwloc-contrib
   22: https://packages.debian.org/src:intel-microcode
   23: https://packages.debian.org/src:iputils
   24: https://packages.debian.org/src:jquery
   25: https://packages.debian.org/src:libbsd
   26: https://packages.debian.org/src:libpano13
   27: https://packages.debian.org/src:libreoffice
   28: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux
   29: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-latest
   30: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-amd64
   31: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-arm64
   32: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-i386
   33: https://packages.debian.org/src:lirc
   34: https://packages.debian.org/src:m2crypto
   35: https://packages.debian.org/src:openafs
   36: https://packages.debian.org/src:portaudio19
   37: https://packages.debian.org/src:postgresql-11
   38: https://packages.debian.org/src:privoxy
   39: https://packages.debian.org/src:python3.7
   40: https://packages.debian.org/src:redis
   41: https://packages.debian.org/src:ruby-mechanize
   42: https://packages.debian.org/src:systemd
   43: https://packages.debian.org/src:uim
   44: https://packages.debian.org/src:xcftools
   45: https://packages.debian.org/src:xterm

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the stable release.
The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these

| Advisory ID    | Package                    |
| DSA-4826 [46]  | nodejs [47]                |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4844 [48]  | dnsmasq [49]               |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4845 [50]  | openldap [51]              |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4846 [52]  | chromium [53]              |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4847 [54]  | connman [55]               |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4849 [56]  | firejail [57]              |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4850 [58]  | libzstd [59]               |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4851 [60]  | subversion [61]            |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4853 [62]  | spip [63]                  |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4854 [64]  | webkit2gtk [65]            |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4855 [66]  | openssl [67]               |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4856 [68]  | php7.3 [69]                |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4857 [70]  | bind9 [71]                 |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4858 [72]  | chromium [73]              |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4859 [74]  | libzstd [75]               |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4860 [76]  | openldap [77]              |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4861 [78]  | screen [79]                |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4862 [80]  | firefox-esr [81]           |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4863 [82]  | nodejs [83]                |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4864 [84]  | python-aiohttp [85]        |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4865 [86]  | docker.io [87]             |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4867 [88]  | grub-efi-amd64-signed [89] |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4867 [90]  | grub-efi-arm64-signed [91] |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4867 [92]  | grub-efi-ia32-signed [93]  |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4867 [94]  | grub2 [95]                 |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4868 [96]  | flatpak [97]               |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4869 [98]  | tiff [99]                  |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4870 [100] | pygments [101]             |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4871 [102] | tor [103]                  |
|                |                            |
| DSA-4872 [104] | shibboleth-sp [105]        |
|                |                            |

   46: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4826
   47: https://packages.debian.org/src:nodejs
   48: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4844
   49: https://packages.debian.org/src:dnsmasq
   50: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4845
   51: https://packages.debian.org/src:openldap
   52: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4846
   53: https://packages.debian.org/src:chromium
   54: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4847
   55: https://packages.debian.org/src:connman
   56: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4849
   57: https://packages.debian.org/src:firejail
   58: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4850
   59: https://packages.debian.org/src:libzstd
   60: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4851
   61: https://packages.debian.org/src:subversion
   62: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4853
   63: https://packages.debian.org/src:spip
   64: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4854
   65: https://packages.debian.org/src:webkit2gtk
   66: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4855
   67: https://packages.debian.org/src:openssl
   68: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4856
   69: https://packages.debian.org/src:php7.3
   70: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4857
   71: https://packages.debian.org/src:bind9
   72: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4858
   73: https://packages.debian.org/src:chromium
   74: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4859
   75: https://packages.debian.org/src:libzstd
   76: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4860
   77: https://packages.debian.org/src:openldap
   78: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4861
   79: https://packages.debian.org/src:screen
   80: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4862
   81: https://packages.debian.org/src:firefox-esr
   82: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4863
   83: https://packages.debian.org/src:nodejs
   84: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4864
   85: https://packages.debian.org/src:python-aiohttp
   86: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4865
   87: https://packages.debian.org/src:docker.io
   88: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4867
   89: https://packages.debian.org/src:grub-efi-amd64-signed
   90: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4867
   91: https://packages.debian.org/src:grub-efi-arm64-signed
   92: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4867
   93: https://packages.debian.org/src:grub-efi-ia32-signed
   94: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4867
   95: https://packages.debian.org/src:grub2
   96: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4868
   97: https://packages.debian.org/src:flatpak
   98: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4869
   99: https://packages.debian.org/src:tiff
  100: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4870
  101: https://packages.debian.org/src:pygments
  102: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4871
  103: https://packages.debian.org/src:tor
  104: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4872
  105: https://packages.debian.org/src:shibboleth-sp

Debian Installer

The installer has been updated to include the fixes incorporated into
stable by the point release.


The complete lists of packages that have changed with this revision:


The current stable distribution:


Proposed updates to the stable distribution:


stable distribution information (release notes, errata etc.):


Security announcements and information:


About Debian

The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who
volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely free
operating system Debian.

Contact Information

For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
https://www.debian.org/, send mail to <press@debian.org>, or contact the
stable release team at <debian-release@lists.debian.org>.

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