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Re: Equivalence to apt-get install -f

On 01/27/2009 02:56 AM, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
2009/1/27 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net>

On 01/27/2009 01:04 AM, Pierre Meurisse wrote:

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 09:11:06PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

On 01/26/2009 08:59 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

For aptitude, is there an equivalence to
# apt-get install -f

What is it that you need to force?

 -f means --fix-broken

That's what I meant... :D  (Force a broken install to go thru.)

well, last time i tried aptitude install -f did not work to solve deluge

So, aptitude *does* have a "fix".

dependencies (the package from its website) but apt-get install -f does.

aptitude and apt-get are not the same. Thus, one may succeed where the other fails.

Hence question asked.

Since you know that aptitude has a "-f", you asked the wrong question. The correct question should have been:

  Why does 'apt-get -f' work, but 'aptitude -f' does not?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

"I am not surprised, for we live long and are celebrated poopers."

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