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Re: current debian way of installing adobe flashplayer in amd64.....

On 22-Aug-2008 10:43.35 (BST), Michael Fothergill wrote:
 > What is the latest way of installing adobe flashplayer in amd64 Lenny?

Hi Mike,

The easiest and most stable way is to use nspluginwrapper, but I don't know
about its standing in lenny (I only push to unstable at the moment, and the
package is migrated automatically back into testing once it has settled in
unstable for a while).

Checking http://packages.debian.org/testing/utils/:

nspluginwrapper ( [contrib]
    A wrapper to run Netscape plugins on other architectures

However, on http://packages.debian.org/testing/web/ there is no
flashplugin-nonfree. Which means what whilst nspluginwrapper is there, you
have two choices: Install the plugin by hand or import the package from
unstable (should be fairly simple). I recommend the former.

My advice would be to go:


Download and unpack it somewhere. Personally, in my environment, I then:

(run this as your normal user)

    mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins32 ~/.mozilla/plugins
    cp libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins32/
    nspluginwrapper -v -i $HOME/.mozilla/plugins32/libflashplayer.so

This should install the runtime loader stub. Restart your browser and go to
"about:plugins" and you should see something like:

Shockwave Flash

    File name: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
    Shockwave Flash 10.0 b218 (or your installed version number)

    MIME Type                       Description         Suffixes Enabled
    application/x-shockwave-flash   Shockwave Flash     swf      Yes
    application/futuresplash        FutureSplash Player spl      Yes

Somewhere in the list. You should be good to go now.

rob andrews                       :: pgp 0xd6c3e484 :: rob@choralone.org

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