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Re: Fwd: Events at login

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:09:12AM +0200, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> In addition to the issue below (still pending as I did not get any
> clue), the system run out of memory during a calculation while trying
> to allocate a small mem segments: "to allocate a shared memory segment
> of 49283072 bytes in size".
> Checking
> cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmax
> reported 33554432
> while I had set on 18Apr2008 24000000000.
> Any trace of setting kernel.shmmax and kernel.shmall had disappeared
> from sysctl.
> Of course I had run "sysctlc -p" as proved by not having any memory
> problems in allocation very large mem segments until recently. I have
> nowreallocated shmmax.
> Whether or not this issue is related to the one below, both happenen
> without warning on my amd6a.

Well usually /etc/sysctl.conf is where you put such stuff.  Of course on
upgrades it will sometimes ask if you want to install a new config file
or keep your existing one or show a diff of the two versions.  if you
said yes to that for sysctl.conf at some point, you would have lost your
own additions to that file.

As for the messages on login, check what is in .bashrc and .profile and
such for the user, as well as whether anything weird has been installed
in /etc/profile.d or /etc/profile.

Len Sorensen

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