grub Error 15 File not found
Debian unstable with latest updates
Debian 2.6.24 amd64 kernel
I can't seem to use the 2.6.24 Debian kernel. Whenever I boot up, grub
reports Error 15 File Not Found. I can fall back on my old 2.6.23 kernel
and it works just fine. Using tab-completion in the command line editor
feature of grub, I can confirm that the files are there. They just won't
More details:
Dual opteron 244 system
MSI K8T-Master2FAR motherboard
recently switch from booting off hda to sda when I got a new drive
old kernel boots fine
update-grub runs fine
tried turning on/off savedefault
tab-completion finds the 2.6.24 kernel and initrd
separate, small /boot partition. not full.
Thank you for any help!
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