Mounting a root device after installation
I sent this problem to the debian-user list but it hasn't appeared so I
hope you forgive me for sending it to you :)
I have a problem with the newest Debian testing installer on i386.
The installation works perfectly but when I reboot after the installation
the computer is unable to mount the root partition. Resulting in
(initramfs) prompt which I don't know how to use.
I have installed tens of Debian computers but this has never happened.
I tried both the stable and testing installer.
When detecting the disks from a hard disk boot up I get the following
"Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods"
By searching the internet I get the information that this is a minor error
but for
me it is not.
I tried to boot from the CD and chroot into the new system and then do
an upgrade
to kernel 2.6.24. The kernel installs but stops at the same place in the
boot sequence.
Thanks for any hints
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