Re: etch RC1 installer
I must add to my email of the past few minutes that
even on my debian-like pivot_root install of knoppix
5.0.1 I had to install libmotif3_2.2.3-1.5_i386.deb to
get my molecular mechanics package working (openGL).
Surely knoppix 5.0.1 has nvidia acceleration.
However, take my information as from a non-expert,
though, no doubt, the graphics of my application is in
francesco pietra
--- Lennart Sorensen <>
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 11:25:56PM -0800, Francesco
> Pietra wrote:
> > Thank you for answering, though my point was to
> where
> > learning as this my new installation without
> nvidia
> > works. Why should I install nvidia when it works
> > perfectly and very speedy? Finally, everything was
> > done through official debian and I suppose they
> know
> > how to do.
> The nvidia binary driver does DRI openGL. The free
> driver is 2D only.
> I also believe the free driver doesn't do video
> playback acceleration
> while the binary one does. Of course if you never
> play video or use any
> opengl programs, then there is no reason to use the
> binary driver.
> --
> Len Sorensen
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