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Re: ia32 chroot problem!

I had the same messages, but just ignored them. Everything went fine, as it 
also tells you in the last line. I think these packages (if needing 
configuration) will get configured the next time you install something via 
the apt system.

Am Montag, 10. Oktober 2005 15:59 schrieb Michele Concina:
> Hello!
> I tried to install an ia32 chroot on my system following the how-to
> instructions, but i've met this error:
> I: Configuring base-config...
> W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This will be attempted 5
> times. W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This will be attempted
> 5 times. W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This will be
> attempted 5 times. W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This will
> be attempted 5 times. W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This
> will be attempted 5 times. I: Base system installed successfully.
> is it possible to solve it or is it a bug?
> thank you,
> michele

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