good news... Re: Sid, issues with gettig out onto the network...
I successfully installed the AMD 64-bit version of Sarge. The whole process
went cleanly without a flaw! Now to get KDE up and running.
I would wish that the config utility, when it's time to install Grub would not
say, "Would you like grub installed?", esp. when Grub is installed to begin
with. "Grub was found to be installed, would you like for me to add this
installation as an entry to it?" would be the more appropriate question.
Similarly, when installing Sid earlier, Sid didn't recognize my Linux Swap
partition, so I had to select it in the partitioner, and re-specify it as a
swap partition.
Other than that, the installer is pretty straight forward, and the partitioner
made life easy when dealing with partitions on the harddrive.
On September 10, 2005 04:56 pm, wrote:
> I just installed the Sid, net install version of debian, I initially tried
> Etch (from, but when the system went to
> boot, it complained that there was not image and the boot prompt sat
> flashing.
> It seems that some drivers didn't install? When configuring APT and then
> selecting an http archive, I'd get an error. I try another site, same
> problem. Goinging into the shell as root, I pinged a few different sites
> only to get the same problem, where the host couldn't be resolved. Any
> suggestions?
> Peter
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