Re: sarge in chroot
Þann Föstudagur 9. september 2005 21:02 skrifaði Lennart Sorensen:
> On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 08:59:33PM +0200, Gudjon I. Gudjonsson wrote:
> > Thanks for the answer. Now matlab starts halfway and exits with the
> > following commands:
> > gudjon@mve035:~$ dchroot -c amd64 -d matlab
> > (amd64) matlab
> > ??? MATLAB was unable to open a pseudo-tty: No such file or directory
> > [2,1] The unix() and ! commands will not work in this MATLAB session.
> > Other commands which depend upon unix() and ! will also fail. Your
> > system may be running low on resources. If the problem persists after a
> > reboot, check with your system administrator and confirm that your pty
> > subsystem is properly configured.
> >
> > Failed to start the Desktop: Unable to register Command Window
> > dchroot: Child exited non-zero.
> > dchroot: Operation failed.
> Did you bind mount /dev or rbind mount /dev (rbind would also
> recursively have included /dev/pts/ which is where the tty's are
> stored).
> Len Sorensen
That did the trick. Now I get the following message when starting matlab
gudjon@mve035:~$ dchroot -c amd64 -d matlab
(amd64) matlab
Failed to start the Desktop: Unable to register Command Window
dchroot: Child exited non-zero.
dchroot: Operation failed.
and if I use strace then I get the output:
dchroot: chroot: Operation not permitted
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
wait4(-1, [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 1}], 0, NULL) = 4868
plus a lot more of course
Do you have any idea what that might be. The string "dchroot: chroot:
Operation not permitted" did not give any reasonable hints by google.
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