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Re: new i386 chroot

Alan Ianson wrote:
Hello List!

I have just installed an /i386 chroot following instructions I found on this list and I have a couple questions.

1) The chroot is going to use sound and xfree86 that is already up and running, so I don't need to install any of that, right?

Seems so.

2) I have installed midnight commander in the chroot. When I run mc I can't use the mouse to select anything. I can move the pointer around but I just can't select anything. After quiting mc I see an error on the screen: Cannot open master side of pty: no such file or directory (2). Is there anyway to get the mouse to work with mc in the chroot?

Bind /dev to /chroot-path/dev/
It's also good idea to bind /proc to /chroot-path/proc/


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