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Re: network card on AMD64 installation

On September 1, 2005 01:21 am, Xiaozheng Ma wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am installing AMD64 to my new computer, which has Abit ax8
> motherboard. The installer could not find network device (or configed
> my network) with auto-detect DHCP option. After I manually set the
> network ip etc, It still couldn't work. The ax8 has an integrated
> network card (i believe it is Gigabit LAN)
> http://www.abit-usa.com/products/mb/products.php?categories=1&model=2
> By default, the installer also has problem recognizing my PCI-Express
> video card. but this is a less conncern to me.
> Has anyone installed AMD64 successfully on the ax8? Please share your
> experience. Thank you very much.
> Xiaozheng

Hi Xiaozheng,

I have a Abit KV8 Pro with I think the same netcard builtin and it would 
not recognize it either. Try using the CTRL + ALT +F2 keys at the same 
time to switch to the second virtual terminal then use modprobe 
via-velocity to load the module for the card then try to set your IP 
address. Of course you would use CTRL + ALT +F1 keys at the same time 
to switch back to the installer terminal.


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