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Re: Servers inside the chroot

--- Thomas Steffen <steffen.list.account@gmail.com>

> On 7/7/05, Zachary Rizer <zrizer@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Can you run a server process inside the 32bit
> chroot
> > and access it from other machines?
> Yes, you can. The chroot may have a different file
> system, but it sees
> exactly the same network.

The server doesn't seem to want to run in the chroot,
or if it's running, I can't get to it from outside...
see below.

> However, usually you don't have an init process
> running inside of the
> chroot environment, so it is a bit difficult to
> "kick start" the
> server. The best way is to write an init script for
> the normal system,
> that calls chroot on the init script in the chroot
> system.
> > I'd like to run the FreeNX server, but it won't
> work
> > in amd64 "mode" because of a missing
> > libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3, which is present in the
> > sid-ia32 chroot.
> Should work. But you have to make sure to mount /tmp
> within your
> chroot (and maybe parts of /var ?), because X11
> usually communicates
> via named pipes on localhost.

The lib in question is in /usr/lib...what about it?  I
can't bind mount that.

> Thomas

Thanks for the help!

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