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Re: nvidia driver failed to install

Ed Cogburn wrote:
> On Friday 06 May 2005 6:22am, Alexander Fieroch wrote:
>>(II) LoadModule: "v4l2"
>>(WW) Warning, couldn't open module v4l2
>>(II) UnloadModule: "v4l2"
>>(EE) Failed to load module "v4l2" (module does not exist, 0)
> I'm guessing this is for video for linux (v4l), right?    Don't know anything 
> about v4l, but your xfree config appears to have several problems besides 
> nvidia.

Oh, that should be just "v2l".

>>(II) LoadModule: "glx"
>>(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a
>>(II) Module glx: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
> This is the wrong glx module.  The right one is the one from nvidia (the 
> vendor line will say "NVIDIA Corporation".  It doesn't look like you've 
> loaded nvidia-glx and modified the xfree config correctly...


> 1) Remove the glcore module reference from xfree's config (and maybe the v4l 
> module too if you don't know why that's there either).  FWIW, my module 
> section in my config only has this:

The module "glcore" had been removed! I don't know why xfree want's to
load it.

> However, since you're doing the dual monitor magic trick (yes, I'm jealous), 
> you may have to have other modules that I don't need, but I know some of the 
> modules you are loading are optional on conventional setups.  Note that when 
> you load the nvidia-glx package it will fix things so that the right glx 
> module, nvidia's, will be loaded by the above reference.

Thanks very much! There were problems with nvidia-glx. I've reinstalled
it and now the driver works! :-)


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