Re: Random freezing...
Just a thought - are you using xscreensaver?
(I read the rest of the thread and another post where you listed some
user s/w you use).
A couple of months ago, I updated xscreensaver (and other things) on one
of my machines which has an nVidia fx5200 video board. It had always
been rock solid stable, but started suffering the kind of crash you
describe. A process of elimination led me to find:
- xscreensaver disabled - no crashes
- xscreensaver enabled (even only screen blanking!!) - crashes randomly
every few days or more frequently
This is purely pragmatic/scientific-experimental - I don't know why it's
happening - and any day now I may get a counter-example! Another of my
machines with an nVidia board (and with an amd64 proc and debian-pure64)
don't have the problem. I'm currently using the XFree nv driver on both.
Anyway, it might be worth your while disabling xscreensaver completely
(from the Gnome menu system will do) just to see if it might work for you.
Good luck.
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