Re: bb segfault - will someone please confirm?
On Tuesday 12 April 2005 23:01, Corey Hickey wrote:
> bb (the aalib demo) is reproducably segfaulting for me when I run the
> amd64 build; the i386 build works fine in my chroot. I'm planning to
> report the bug, but I was hoping someone here could confirm that it
> happens to them too.
Confirm. Although I got so mesmerised by the images that I forgot to time it.
same kernel minus .6, same debian, hardware different, but hardware is, I
suspect, irrelevant.
> Hardware:
> Athlon64 3400+
> DFI Lanparty nf3 250gb
> Sound Blaster Live
> Software:
> Linux
> Debian pure64 sid
> bb 1.3rc1-5
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Install bb 1.3rc1-5
> 2. run 'bb' from a terminal.
> 3. Select 'Y' at the "Music?" prompt.
> 4. Hit '7' to select 48000 Hz sample rate. The options screen should now
> look like:
> 0:Yes - 16 bit output
> 1:Yes - Stereo output
> 2:Yes - Process music via software mixer
> 3:No - Use high-quality (slower) software mixer
> 4:Yes - Surround sound
> 5:No - Interpolation
> 6:No - Reverse Stereo
> 7:Sample rate: 48000
> 8:Continue
> 5. Hit '8' to continue.
> 6. After 3 minutes 47 seconds (+/- a couple seconds) bb segfaults. It
> happens right before the section with the toroid.
> Thanks,
> Corey
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