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Re: Wifi issue and AMD64 and kernel questions

Hi Manu,

El lun, 21-03-2005 a las 10:31 -0800, Manu escribió:
> Hi Javier
> > 
> > As far as I know it's a 64-bit kernel with IA32
> > emulation. In other
> > words, the kernel is 64-bit, but it supports a
> > 32-bit user-land.
> Ah , that

... partially...

> explains all the problem I had... I am not
> ready to fully move to 64 bits as not all the packages
> are working.. I need to run openoffice,gimp and other
> package that are 32 bits only and I am not sure it is
> worth the trouble yet to have a mixed environment. 

Installing a 64-bit kernel leaves you with a 32-bit environment that
could potentially run 64-bit binaries (given that you installed, too,
the necessary libraries). Everything should work as expected, except for
some kernel drivers and applications that interact with them in special
ways (hence your sound problems, I guess).

> how do you use your 64bit environment? Server ?
> desktop(dev, office...)? I am wanting to try the full
> 64 bits but again, it is for a laptop usage so I
> really want it to use

Desktop (laptop, actually), development. I've used a standard 32-bit
Debian for half a year or so on this same laptop until I managed to
corrupt the root partition (absolutely my fault) and had to
reinstall :-)

Using the 64-bit kernel that's part of the 32-bit distribution proved to
be more trouble than success for me, but I can't speak for everybody
(after all, somebody must be using it, otherwise why would it be

> > > Am I better of using a really x386 package for
> > now?
> > 
> > That depends on what you expect from a 64-bit
> > system.
> I don t really need anything yet in 64 bit. All I need
> is to run my debian on it and to be able to use ACPI,
> WIFI, Sound , video ...etc. so if I use a generic x86
> , should it work fine?

Well, I don't need 64-bit either; but I can use it, so I do. You should
be fine with x86.

> so do how to you use openoffice and 32 bit packages?
> is it more complicated ? does it require too effort
> everytime your want to run a 32 bit ? If not I might
> consider to use a full 64 bit

Not really, once you've set up a 32-bit chroot that becomes trivial. The
Debian AMD64 FAQ covers setting up the chroot pretty well and it can
hardly go wrong if you follow the instructions. I even think I read it's
possible to use OpenOffice from outside the chroot, but you'll probably
need it for other stuff anyway (Flash animations, Win32 video codecs,

If you don't want to bother, stick to 32-bit until the world better
acknowledges AMD64.

Javier Kohen <jkohen@users.sourceforge.net>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802
Jabber: jkohen@jabber.org

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