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Re: Big filesystems.

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Kyle Rose wrote:

Same here, but that doesn't bother me so much.

What bothers me is file deletion time.  Anyone have any clue why
ReiserFS takes so long to delete files, and why the delete operation
evidently blocks all other FS operations?  It seems that ReiserFS
should log the delete, and then have a kernel thread handling cleanup
in the background in such a way that it doesn't cause other operations
to block.

Yeah, I know this is offtopic. :)

The MythTV guys did a bunch of comparisons on filesystems, because they run into this issue a lot; using big partitions, holding big files, deleteing them frequently, etc etc. I recall they highlighted this problem with reiser, although I honestly haven't noticed it myself. I gather XFS gets high marks, but then there are rumors of trouble with it.

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