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x86_64 and virtualization

What are the options for virtualization on AMD64/EMT64?
What about emulation of a 32-bit x86 on a 64-bit Linux OS?
What about emulation of a 64-bit x86_64 on a 32-bit Linux OS?
What about performance?

VMWare: As far as I know vmware is 32-only. (Could it work with a 64-bit
kernel in a 32-bit sandbox?)

UML: There are some user-mode-linux reports of uml not compiling on
amd64 and the debian package is i386 only.

Bochs: not really suitable but thanks to SuSE it can emulate amd64 and
will probaly run very well on x86_64

Xen: AMD64 support is on the roadmap for the next version and some
patches exists in BitKeeper repository. But does it actually work?

PearPC: ?

Plex86: ?

Daniel van Eeden <daniel_e@dds.nl>

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