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kdebase and kdm?

Hello.  I'm a new Debian AMD64 port user.  I'll send in a motherboard
report shortly and describe my system.  Right now I'm running some
benchmarks on the system to figure out how I want to run - which
filesystems, whether to run 32 bit or 64 bit and so forth.  (I'll write
something up about the benchmarks that I run FWIW.)

Right now I'm using the following sources.list:
deb http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/debian-pure64 unstable main contrib non-free
deb http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/debian-pure64 testing main contrib non-free

When I do "apt-cache search kdebase" I get:
dmartin@gerbil:~$ apt-cache search kdebase
kde - The K Desktop Environment
kde-core - The K Desktop Environment (Core)

Not the actual kdebase package or kdm - many KDE packages are missing.  It
was pointed out to me on the irc channel that
http://bach.hpc2n.umu.se/pure64 contains it...

So I looked at the "pure-64" subdir rather than the "debian-pure64" subdir
on alioth and it too appears to contain more of KDE.

What's the difference between the two?

Dale E. Martin - dale@the-martins.org

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