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Re: Building a kernel without a 32 bit gcc

On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 03:10:09PM -0700, Greg Johnson wrote:
> Folks,
> The attached patch to linux-2.6.4 eliminates the need for a 32 bit gcc
> for building a kernel which supports 32 bit executables.  It is still
> necessary to have a biarch binutils, but ours is already biarch capable.

Ok, here's the attachment.

diff -urN linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/Makefile linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/Makefile	2004-03-10 20:55:25.000000000 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/Makefile	2004-04-02 15:36:18.269358752 -0600
@@ -7,15 +7,18 @@
 targets		:= vmlinux vmlinux.bin vmlinux.bin.gz head.o misc.o piggy.o
-EXTRA_AFLAGS	:= -traditional -m32
+EXTRA_AFLAGS	:= -traditional -Wa,--32
 # cannot use EXTRA_CFLAGS because base CFLAGS contains -mkernel which conflicts with
 # -m32
-CFLAGS := -m32 -D__KERNEL__ -Iinclude -O2  
+CFLAGS := -Wa,--32 -D__KERNEL__ -Iinclude -O2  
 LDFLAGS := -m elf_i386
 LDFLAGS_vmlinux := -Ttext $(IMAGE_OFFSET) -e startup_32 -m elf_i386
+# this can build misc.o from misc.c with a cross compiler
+#$(obj)/misc.o: CC=i386-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
 $(obj)/vmlinux: $(obj)/head.o $(obj)/misc.o $(obj)/piggy.o FORCE
 	$(call if_changed,ld)
diff -urN linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.S linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.S
--- linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.S	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.S	2004-04-02 11:45:58.365303512 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,3180 @@
+	.file	"misc.c"
+	.local	insize
+	.comm	insize,4,4
+	.local	inptr
+	.comm	inptr,4,4
+	.local	outcnt
+	.comm	outcnt,4,4
+	.local	bytes_out
+	.comm	bytes_out,4,4
+	.local	output_ptr
+	.comm	output_ptr,4,4
+	.data
+	.align 4
+	.type	free_mem_ptr, @object
+	.size	free_mem_ptr, 4
+	.long	end
+	.local	high_loaded
+	.comm	high_loaded,4,4
+	.align 4
+	.type	vidmem, @object
+	.size	vidmem, 4
+	.long	753664
+	.section	.rodata
+	.align 32
+	.type	border, @object
+	.size	border, 76
+	.long	16
+	.long	17
+	.long	18
+	.long	0
+	.long	8
+	.long	7
+	.long	9
+	.long	6
+	.long	10
+	.long	5
+	.long	11
+	.long	4
+	.long	12
+	.long	3
+	.long	13
+	.long	2
+	.long	14
+	.long	1
+	.long	15
+	.align 32
+	.type	cplens, @object
+	.size	cplens, 62
+	.value	3
+	.value	4
+	.value	5
+	.value	6
+	.value	7
+	.value	8
+	.value	9
+	.value	10
+	.value	11
+	.value	13
+	.value	15
+	.value	17
+	.value	19
+	.value	23
+	.value	27
+	.value	31
+	.value	35
+	.value	43
+	.value	51
+	.value	59
+	.value	67
+	.value	83
+	.value	99
+	.value	115
+	.value	131
+	.value	163
+	.value	195
+	.value	227
+	.value	258
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.align 32
+	.type	cplext, @object
+	.size	cplext, 62
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	1
+	.value	1
+	.value	1
+	.value	1
+	.value	2
+	.value	2
+	.value	2
+	.value	2
+	.value	3
+	.value	3
+	.value	3
+	.value	3
+	.value	4
+	.value	4
+	.value	4
+	.value	4
+	.value	5
+	.value	5
+	.value	5
+	.value	5
+	.value	0
+	.value	99
+	.value	99
+	.align 32
+	.type	cpdist, @object
+	.size	cpdist, 60
+	.value	1
+	.value	2
+	.value	3
+	.value	4
+	.value	5
+	.value	7
+	.value	9
+	.value	13
+	.value	17
+	.value	25
+	.value	33
+	.value	49
+	.value	65
+	.value	97
+	.value	129
+	.value	193
+	.value	257
+	.value	385
+	.value	513
+	.value	769
+	.value	1025
+	.value	1537
+	.value	2049
+	.value	3073
+	.value	4097
+	.value	6145
+	.value	8193
+	.value	12289
+	.value	16385
+	.value	24577
+	.align 32
+	.type	cpdext, @object
+	.size	cpdext, 60
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	0
+	.value	1
+	.value	1
+	.value	2
+	.value	2
+	.value	3
+	.value	3
+	.value	4
+	.value	4
+	.value	5
+	.value	5
+	.value	6
+	.value	6
+	.value	7
+	.value	7
+	.value	8
+	.value	8
+	.value	9
+	.value	9
+	.value	10
+	.value	10
+	.value	11
+	.value	11
+	.value	12
+	.value	12
+	.value	13
+	.value	13
+	.align 32
+	.type	mask_bits, @object
+	.size	mask_bits, 34
+	.value	0
+	.value	1
+	.value	3
+	.value	7
+	.value	15
+	.value	31
+	.value	63
+	.value	127
+	.value	255
+	.value	511
+	.value	1023
+	.value	2047
+	.value	4095
+	.value	8191
+	.value	16383
+	.value	32767
+	.value	-1
+	.align 4
+	.type	lbits, @object
+	.size	lbits, 4
+	.long	9
+	.align 4
+	.type	dbits, @object
+	.size	dbits, 4
+	.long	6
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	huft_build, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$1452, %esp
+	cld
+	movl	$17, %ecx
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	leal	-104(%ebp), %edi
+	movl	8(%ebp), %esi
+	movl	$0, -1432(%ebp)
+	movl	$0, -1428(%ebp)
+	movl	32(%ebp), %edx
+	rep
+	stosl
+	movl	12(%ebp), %ebx
+	movl	%esi, -1424(%ebp)
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1424(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	(%ecx), %eax
+	incl	-104(%ebp,%eax,4)
+	addl	$4, %ecx
+	decl	%ebx
+	movl	%ecx, -1424(%ebp)
+	jne	.L2
+	movl	12(%ebp), %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, -104(%ebp)
+	je	.L102
+	movl	(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, -1420(%ebp)
+	movl	$1, %edi
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-104(%ebp,%edi,4), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jne	.L8
+	incl	%edi
+	cmpl	$16, %edi
+	jbe	.L12
+	cmpl	%edi, -1420(%ebp)
+	movl	%edi, -1416(%ebp)
+	jae	.L13
+	movl	%edi, -1420(%ebp)
+	movl	$16, %ebx
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-104(%ebp,%ebx,4), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jne	.L15
+	decl	%ebx
+	jne	.L19
+	cmpl	%ebx, -1420(%ebp)
+	movl	%ebx, -1408(%ebp)
+	jbe	.L20
+	movl	%ebx, -1420(%ebp)
+	movl	$1, -1440(%ebp)
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	movl	-1420(%ebp), %eax
+	sall	%cl, -1440(%ebp)
+	cmpl	-1408(%ebp), %edi
+	movl	%eax, (%edx)
+	jae	.L85
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-104(%ebp,%edi,4), %eax
+	subl	%eax, -1440(%ebp)
+	js	.L101
+	incl	%edi
+	sall	-1440(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%ebx, %edi
+	jb	.L26
+	movl	-104(%ebp,%ebx,4), %eax
+	subl	%eax, -1440(%ebp)
+	js	.L101
+	addl	-1440(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%eax, -104(%ebp,%ebx,4)
+	xorl	%edi, %edi
+	leal	-100(%ebp), %edx
+	decl	%ebx
+	movl	$0, -1396(%ebp)
+	movl	%edx, -1424(%ebp)
+	leal	-1392(%ebp), %ecx
+	je	.L87
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1424(%ebp), %eax
+	addl	(%eax), %edi
+	movl	%edi, (%ecx)
+	addl	$4, %eax
+	addl	$4, %ecx
+	decl	%ebx
+	movl	%eax, -1424(%ebp)
+	jne	.L31
+	movl	%esi, -1424(%ebp)
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1424(%ebp), %edx
+	movl	(%edx), %edi
+	addl	$4, %edx
+	testl	%edi, %edi
+	movl	%edx, -1424(%ebp)
+	je	.L34
+	movl	-1400(%ebp,%edi,4), %eax
+	movl	%ebx, -1320(%ebp,%eax,4)
+	incl	%eax
+	movl	%eax, -1400(%ebp,%edi,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	12(%ebp), %ebx
+	jb	.L32
+	movl	-1420(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	-1408(%ebp), %edx
+	negl	%eax
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	leal	-1320(%ebp), %ecx
+	xorl	%esi, %esi
+	cmpl	%edx, -1416(%ebp)
+	movl	$0, -1400(%ebp)
+	movl	%ecx, -1424(%ebp)
+	movl	$-1, -1412(%ebp)
+	movl	%eax, -1436(%ebp)
+	movl	$0, -168(%ebp)
+	movl	$0, -1444(%ebp)
+	jg	.L89
+	movl	-1416(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	-104(%ebp,%ecx,4), %eax
+	decl	%eax
+	movl	%eax, -1404(%ebp)
+	incl	%eax
+	je	.L91
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1436(%ebp), %edx
+	addl	-1420(%ebp), %edx
+	cmpl	%edx, -1416(%ebp)
+	movl	%edx, -1448(%ebp)
+	jle	.L93
+	movl	-1404(%ebp), %ecx
+	incl	%ecx
+	movl	%ecx, -1452(%ebp)
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1448(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	-1408(%ebp), %edx
+	subl	%eax, %edx
+	movl	-1420(%ebp), %esi
+	incl	-1412(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edx
+	movl	%eax, -1436(%ebp)
+	movl	%edx, -1444(%ebp)
+	ja	.L48
+	movl	%edx, %esi
+	movl	-1416(%ebp), %edi
+	subl	-1448(%ebp), %edi
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	cmpl	-1452(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%esi, -1444(%ebp)
+	jbe	.L49
+	subl	-1404(%ebp), %eax
+	incl	%edi
+	decl	%eax
+	movl	-1416(%ebp), %edx
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	leal	-104(%ebp,%edx,4), %ecx
+	jae	.L49
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	addl	$4, %ecx
+	sall	%eax
+	movl	(%ecx), %edx
+	cmpl	%edx, %eax
+	jbe	.L49
+	incl	%edi
+	subl	%edx, %eax
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jb	.L54
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	movl	%eax, -1444(%ebp)
+	leal	8(,%eax,8), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	call	malloc
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %esi
+	je	.L103
+	movl	-1444(%ebp), %eax
+	addl	hufts, %eax
+	incl	%eax
+	movl	28(%ebp), %edx
+	movl	%eax, hufts
+	leal	8(%esi), %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%edx)
+	leal	4(%esi), %ecx
+	movl	$0, 4(%esi)
+	movl	%eax, %esi
+	movl	-1412(%ebp), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%ecx, 28(%ebp)
+	movl	%esi, -168(%ebp,%eax,4)
+	je	.L44
+	movl	-1448(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	-1432(%ebp), %edx
+	subl	-1420(%ebp), %ecx
+	movb	-1420(%ebp), %dh
+	movl	%ebx, -1400(%ebp,%eax,4)
+	leal	16(%edi), %eax
+	movl	%ebx, %edi
+	movl	%edx, -1432(%ebp)
+	movl	%esi, -1428(%ebp)
+	movb	%al, -1432(%ebp)
+	shrl	%cl, %edi
+	movl	-1412(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	-172(%ebp,%ecx,4), %eax
+	movl	-1432(%ebp), %edx
+	movl	-1428(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	%ecx, 4(%eax,%edi,8)
+	movl	%edx, (%eax,%edi,8)
+	movl	-1420(%ebp), %ecx
+	addl	%ecx, -1448(%ebp)
+	movl	-1448(%ebp), %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, -1416(%ebp)
+	jg	.L58
+	movb	-1416(%ebp), %al
+	subb	-1436(%ebp), %al
+	movl	12(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	-1432(%ebp), %edx
+	movb	%al, %dh
+	leal	-1320(%ebp,%ecx,4), %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, -1424(%ebp)
+	movl	%edx, -1432(%ebp)
+	jb	.L59
+	movb	$99, -1432(%ebp)
+	movl	-1416(%ebp), %ecx
+	subl	-1436(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%ebx, %edi
+	movb	-1436(%ebp), %cl
+	shrl	%cl, %edi
+	cmpl	-1444(%ebp), %edi
+	jae	.L96
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1432(%ebp), %edx
+	movl	-1428(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	%ecx, 4(%esi,%edi,8)
+	movl	%edx, (%esi,%edi,8)
+	addl	%eax, %edi
+	cmpl	-1444(%ebp), %edi
+	jb	.L69
+	movl	-1416(%ebp), %ecx
+	decl	%ecx
+	movl	$1, %edi
+	sall	%cl, %edi
+	testl	%edi, %ebx
+	je	.L98
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	xorl	%edi, %ebx
+	shrl	%edi
+	testl	%edi, %ebx
+	jne	.L74
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	movb	-1436(%ebp), %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	xorl	%edi, %ebx
+	decl	%eax
+	andl	%ebx, %eax
+	movl	-1412(%ebp), %edx
+	cmpl	-1400(%ebp,%edx,4), %eax
+	je	.L100
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-1420(%ebp), %ecx
+	subl	%ecx, -1436(%ebp)
+	movb	-1436(%ebp), %cl
+	movl	%edx, %eax
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	decl	-1412(%ebp)
+	decl	%eax
+	andl	%ebx, %eax
+	movl	-1412(%ebp), %ecx
+	cmpl	-1400(%ebp,%ecx,4), %eax
+	jne	.L78
+	decl	-1404(%ebp)
+	cmpl	$-1, -1404(%ebp)
+	jne	.L79
+	incl	-1416(%ebp)
+	movl	-1408(%ebp), %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, -1416(%ebp)
+	jle	.L80
+	movl	-1440(%ebp), %edx
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	testl	%edx, %edx
+	je	.L1
+	cmpl	$1, -1408(%ebp)
+	je	.L1
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	leal	-12(%ebp), %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	movl	-1424(%ebp), %edx
+	movl	(%edx), %eax
+	cmpl	16(%ebp), %eax
+	jae	.L61
+	cmpl	$255, %eax
+	seta	%al
+	movl	-1424(%ebp), %ecx
+	movb	$16, %dl
+	subb	%al, %dl
+	movw	(%ecx), %ax
+	addl	$4, %ecx
+	movb	%dl, -1432(%ebp)
+	movw	%ax, -1428(%ebp)
+	movl	%ecx, -1424(%ebp)
+	jmp	.L60
+	subl	16(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	24(%ebp), %ecx
+	movb	(%ecx,%eax,2), %dl
+	movb	%dl, -1432(%ebp)
+	movl	20(%ebp), %edx
+	movw	(%edx,%eax,2), %ax
+	movw	%ax, -1428(%ebp)
+	addl	$4, -1424(%ebp)
+	jmp	.L60
+	movl	-1412(%ebp), %ecx
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	jne	.L104
+	movl	$3, %eax
+	jmp	.L1
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-168(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L56
+	movl	$2, %eax
+	jmp	.L1
+	movl	28(%ebp), %ecx
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	$0, (%ecx)
+	movl	$0, (%edx)
+	jmp	.L1
+	.size	huft_build, .-huft_build
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	huft_free, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%ebx
+	pushl	%eax
+	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	je	.L111
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$8, %eax
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	movl	4(%eax), %ebx
+	pushl	%eax
+	call	free
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	testl	%ebx, %ebx
+	movl	%ebx, %eax
+	jne	.L109
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	-4(%ebp), %ebx
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	huft_free, .-huft_free
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	inflate_codes, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$28, %esp
+	movl	bb, %eax
+	movl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	movl	16(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	20(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	outcnt, %edx
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%ecx,%ecx), %ecx
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%eax,%eax), %eax
+	movl	bk, %edi
+	movl	%edx, -20(%ebp)
+	movl	%ecx, -24(%ebp)
+	movl	%eax, -28(%ebp)
+	cmpl	16(%ebp), %edi
+	jae	.L191
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L119
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L122
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %edi
+	orl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	16(%ebp), %edi
+	jb	.L123
+	movl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	andl	-24(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	8(%ebp), %edx
+	leal	(%edx,%eax,8), %ebx
+	movzbl	(%ebx), %esi
+	cmpl	$16, %esi
+	jbe	.L124
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	cmpl	$99, %esi
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	je	.L112
+	movzbl	1(%ebx), %ecx
+	subl	%ecx, %edi
+	subl	$16, %esi
+	shrl	%cl, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jae	.L193
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L132
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L122
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %edi
+	orl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jb	.L135
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%esi,%esi), %eax
+	andl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	4(%ebx), %edx
+	leal	(%edx,%eax,8), %ebx
+	movzbl	(%ebx), %esi
+	cmpl	$16, %esi
+	ja	.L125
+	movzbl	1(%ebx), %ecx
+	shrl	%cl, -32(%ebp)
+	subl	%ecx, %edi
+	cmpl	$16, %esi
+	je	.L205
+	cmpl	$15, %esi
+	je	.L114
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jae	.L195
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L144
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L122
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %edi
+	orl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jb	.L147
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%esi,%esi), %eax
+	movzwl	4(%ebx), %edx
+	andl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%esi, %ecx
+	subl	%esi, %edi
+	leal	(%eax,%edx), %eax
+	shrl	%cl, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	20(%ebp), %edi
+	movl	%eax, -16(%ebp)
+	jae	.L197
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L151
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L122
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %edi
+	orl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	20(%ebp), %edi
+	jb	.L154
+	movl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	andl	-28(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	12(%ebp), %edx
+	leal	(%edx,%eax,8), %ebx
+	movzbl	(%ebx), %esi
+	cmpl	$16, %esi
+	jbe	.L155
+	cmpl	$99, %esi
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	je	.L112
+	movzbl	1(%ebx), %ecx
+	subl	%ecx, %edi
+	subl	$16, %esi
+	shrl	%cl, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jae	.L199
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L163
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L122
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %edi
+	orl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jb	.L166
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%esi,%esi), %eax
+	andl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	4(%ebx), %edx
+	leal	(%edx,%eax,8), %ebx
+	movzbl	(%ebx), %esi
+	cmpl	$16, %esi
+	ja	.L156
+	movzbl	1(%ebx), %ecx
+	subl	%ecx, %edi
+	shrl	%cl, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jae	.L201
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L171
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L122
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %edi
+	orl	%eax, -32(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%esi, %edi
+	jb	.L174
+	movzwl	4(%ebx), %eax
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %ebx
+	subl	%eax, %ebx
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%esi,%esi), %eax
+	andl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%esi, %ecx
+	subl	%eax, %ebx
+	shrl	%cl, -32(%ebp)
+	subl	%esi, %edi
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	andl	$32767, %ebx
+	cmpl	-20(%ebp), %ebx
+	jbe	.L180
+	movl	$32768, %esi
+	subl	%ebx, %esi
+	movl	-16(%ebp), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %esi
+	ja	.L179
+	movl	%esi, %ecx
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %eax
+	subl	%ebx, %eax
+	subl	%ecx, -16(%ebp)
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	movl	%ecx, %esi
+	jae	.L206
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %edx
+	movb	window(%ebx), %al
+	movb	%al, window(%edx)
+	incl	%ebx
+	incl	%edx
+	decl	%esi
+	movl	%edx, -20(%ebp)
+	jne	.L184
+	cmpl	$32768, -20(%ebp)
+	je	.L207
+	movl	-16(%ebp), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jne	.L175
+	jmp	.L204
+	movl	$32768, outcnt
+	call	flush_window
+	movl	$0, -20(%ebp)
+	jmp	.L177
+	pushl	%ecx
+	pushl	%esi
+	leal	window(%ebx), %eax
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %edx
+	pushl	%eax
+	addl	$window, %edx
+	pushl	%edx
+	call	memcpy
+	addl	%esi, %ebx
+	addl	%esi, -20(%ebp)
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L183
+	movl	$32768, %esi
+	subl	-20(%ebp), %esi
+	jmp	.L181
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	$4, %eax
+	leal	-12(%ebp), %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L172
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L164
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L152
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L145
+	movl	-32(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	%eax, bb
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%ecx, outcnt
+	movl	%edi, bk
+	jmp	.L112
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %edx
+	movb	4(%ebx), %al
+	movb	%al, window(%edx)
+	incl	%edx
+	cmpl	$32768, %edx
+	movl	%edx, -20(%ebp)
+	jne	.L204
+	movl	$32768, outcnt
+	call	flush_window
+	movl	$0, -20(%ebp)
+	jmp	.L204
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L133
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L120
+	.size	inflate_codes, .-inflate_codes
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	inflate_stored, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	movl	bk, %ebx
+	movl	%ebx, %edi
+	andl	$7, %edi
+	movl	bb, %esi
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	subl	%edi, %ebx
+	movl	outcnt, %eax
+	shrl	%cl, %esi
+	cmpl	$15, %ebx
+	movl	%eax, -16(%ebp)
+	ja	.L238
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L212
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L215
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$15, %ebx
+	jbe	.L216
+	movl	%esi, %edi
+	subl	$16, %ebx
+	andl	$65535, %edi
+	shrl	$16, %esi
+	cmpl	$15, %ebx
+	ja	.L240
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L220
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L215
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$15, %ebx
+	jbe	.L223
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	notl	%eax
+	andl	$65535, %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, %edi
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	je	.L245
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	movl	%edx, %eax
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	decl	%edi
+	shrl	$16, %esi
+	subl	$16, %ebx
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	je	.L242
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	cmpl	$7, %ebx
+	ja	.L244
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L231
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L215
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$7, %ebx
+	jbe	.L234
+	movl	-16(%ebp), %edx
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	movb	%al, window(%edx)
+	incl	%edx
+	cmpl	$32768, %edx
+	movl	%edx, -16(%ebp)
+	je	.L246
+	decl	%edi
+	shrl	$8, %esi
+	subl	$8, %ebx
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	jne	.L236
+	movl	-16(%ebp), %ecx
+	xorl	%edx, %edx
+	movl	%ecx, outcnt
+	movl	%esi, bb
+	movl	%ebx, bk
+	jmp	.L208
+	movl	$32768, outcnt
+	call	flush_window
+	movl	$0, -16(%ebp)
+	jmp	.L235
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	$4, %edx
+	jmp	.L208
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L232
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L221
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L213
+	.size	inflate_stored, .-inflate_stored
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	inflate_fixed, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$1168, %esp
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	$8, -1160(%ebp,%ebx,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$143, %ebx
+	jle	.L252
+	movl	$144, %ebx
+	movl	$9, -1160(%ebp,%ebx,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$255, %ebx
+	jle	.L257
+	cmpl	$279, %ebx
+	jg	.L281
+	movl	$7, -1160(%ebp,%ebx,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$279, %ebx
+	jle	.L262
+	cmpl	$287, %ebx
+	jg	.L283
+	movl	$8, -1160(%ebp,%ebx,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$287, %ebx
+	jle	.L267
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1164(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1168(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	pushl	$cplext
+	pushl	$cplens
+	pushl	$257
+	pushl	$288
+	leal	-1160(%ebp), %esi
+	pushl	%esi
+	movl	$7, -1164(%ebp)
+	call	huft_build
+	addl	$32, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %ebx
+	movl	%eax, %edx
+	jne	.L247
+	movl	$5, -1160(%ebp,%ebx,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$29, %ebx
+	jle	.L273
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1172(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1176(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	pushl	$cpdext
+	pushl	$cpdist
+	pushl	$0
+	pushl	$30
+	pushl	%esi
+	movl	$5, -1172(%ebp)
+	call	huft_build
+	addl	$32, %esp
+	cmpl	$1, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %ebx
+	jle	.L274
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-1168(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	movl	%ebx, %edx
+	leal	-8(%ebp), %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	movl	%edx, %eax
+	popl	%esi
+	leave
+	ret
+	pushl	-1172(%ebp)
+	pushl	-1164(%ebp)
+	pushl	-1176(%ebp)
+	pushl	-1168(%ebp)
+	call	inflate_codes
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	jne	.L247
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-1168(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	popl	%ebx
+	pushl	-1176(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	xorl	%edx, %edx
+	jmp	.L247
+	.size	inflate_fixed, .-inflate_fixed
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
+	.string	"incomplete literal tree"
+	.string	"incomplete distance tree"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	inflate_dynamic, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$1324, %esp
+	movl	bk, %ebx
+	cmpl	$4, %ebx
+	movl	bb, %esi
+	ja	.L389
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L290
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$4, %ebx
+	jbe	.L294
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	andl	$31, %eax
+	subl	$5, %ebx
+	addl	$257, %eax
+	shrl	$5, %esi
+	cmpl	$4, %ebx
+	movl	%eax, -1328(%ebp)
+	ja	.L391
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L298
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$4, %ebx
+	jbe	.L301
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	andl	$31, %eax
+	subl	$5, %ebx
+	incl	%eax
+	shrl	$5, %esi
+	cmpl	$3, %ebx
+	movl	%eax, -1332(%ebp)
+	ja	.L393
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L305
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$3, %ebx
+	jbe	.L308
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	andl	$15, %eax
+	addl	$4, %eax
+	shrl	$4, %esi
+	subl	$4, %ebx
+	cmpl	$286, -1328(%ebp)
+	movl	%eax, -1324(%ebp)
+	ja	.L310
+	cmpl	$30, -1332(%ebp)
+	jbe	.L309
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	leal	-12(%ebp), %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	movl	%edx, %eax
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	xorl	%edi, %edi
+	cmpl	-1324(%ebp), %edi
+	jae	.L327
+	cmpl	$2, %ebx
+	ja	.L397
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L318
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$2, %ebx
+	jbe	.L321
+	movl	border(,%edi,4), %edx
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	incl	%edi
+	andl	$7, %eax
+	shrl	$3, %esi
+	subl	$3, %ebx
+	cmpl	-1324(%ebp), %edi
+	movl	%eax, -1288(%ebp,%edx,4)
+	jb	.L322
+	cmpl	$18, %edi
+	ja	.L399
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	border(,%edi,4), %eax
+	incl	%edi
+	cmpl	$18, %edi
+	movl	$0, -1288(%ebp,%eax,4)
+	jbe	.L327
+	leal	-1292(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%edx
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1296(%ebp), %edx
+	pushl	%edx
+	pushl	$0
+	pushl	$0
+	pushl	$19
+	pushl	$19
+	leal	-1288(%ebp), %ecx
+	pushl	%ecx
+	movl	$7, -1292(%ebp)
+	call	huft_build
+	addl	$32, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%eax, -1308(%ebp)
+	je	.L328
+	decl	%eax
+	je	.L424
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %edx
+	jmp	.L286
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-1296(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L422
+	movl	-1328(%ebp), %eax
+	addl	-1332(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%eax, -1320(%ebp)
+	movl	-1320(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	-1292(%ebp), %eax
+	movzwl	mask_bits(%eax,%eax), %edx
+	cmpl	%ecx, -1308(%ebp)
+	movl	%edx, -1316(%ebp)
+	movl	$0, -1312(%ebp)
+	jae	.L401
+	cmpl	%eax, %ebx
+	jae	.L403
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L336
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	-1292(%ebp), %ebx
+	jb	.L339
+	movl	-1316(%ebp), %edx
+	andl	%esi, %edx
+	movl	-1296(%ebp), %eax
+	leal	(%eax,%edx,8), %edx
+	movzbl	1(%edx), %edi
+	movl	%edi, %ecx
+	subl	%edi, %ebx
+	movzwl	4(%edx), %edi
+	shrl	%cl, %esi
+	cmpl	$15, %edi
+	movl	%edx, -1304(%ebp)
+	ja	.L340
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%edi, -1288(%ebp,%eax,4)
+	incl	%eax
+	movl	%edi, -1312(%ebp)
+	movl	%eax, -1308(%ebp)
+	movl	-1320(%ebp), %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, -1308(%ebp)
+	jae	.L401
+	movl	-1292(%ebp), %eax
+	jmp	.L382
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-1296(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	leal	-1292(%ebp), %edx
+	pushl	%edx
+	leal	-1296(%ebp), %ecx
+	pushl	%ecx
+	pushl	$cplext
+	pushl	$cplens
+	pushl	$257
+	pushl	-1328(%ebp)
+	leal	-1288(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	movl	%esi, bb
+	movl	%ebx, bk
+	movl	$9, -1292(%ebp)
+	call	huft_build
+	addl	$32, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%eax, -1308(%ebp)
+	je	.L383
+	decl	%eax
+	jne	.L422
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC0
+	call	error
+	popl	%eax
+	jmp	.L423
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1300(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	leal	-1304(%ebp), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	pushl	$cpdext
+	pushl	$cpdist
+	pushl	$0
+	movl	-1328(%ebp), %edx
+	pushl	-1332(%ebp)
+	leal	-1288(%ebp,%edx,4), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	movl	$6, -1300(%ebp)
+	call	huft_build
+	addl	$32, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%eax, -1308(%ebp)
+	je	.L385
+	decl	%eax
+	je	.L425
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-1296(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	jmp	.L422
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC1
+	call	error
+	popl	%eax
+	pushl	-1304(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L386
+	pushl	-1300(%ebp)
+	pushl	-1292(%ebp)
+	pushl	-1304(%ebp)
+	pushl	-1296(%ebp)
+	call	inflate_codes
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	jne	.L286
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	-1296(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	popl	%eax
+	pushl	-1304(%ebp)
+	call	huft_free
+	xorl	%edx, %edx
+	jmp	.L286
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	cmpl	$16, %edi
+	je	.L426
+	cmpl	$17, %edi
+	je	.L427
+	cmpl	$6, %ebx
+	ja	.L413
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L373
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$6, %ebx
+	jbe	.L376
+	movl	%esi, %ecx
+	andl	$127, %ecx
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %edx
+	leal	11(%edx,%ecx), %eax
+	shrl	$7, %esi
+	subl	$7, %ebx
+	cmpl	-1320(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	ja	.L286
+	leal	10(%ecx), %edi
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	je	.L415
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %ecx
+	decl	%edi
+	movl	$0, -1288(%ebp,%ecx,4)
+	incl	%ecx
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	movl	%ecx, -1308(%ebp)
+	jne	.L381
+	movl	$0, -1312(%ebp)
+	jmp	.L330
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	$4, %edx
+	jmp	.L286
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L374
+	cmpl	$2, %ebx
+	ja	.L409
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L360
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$2, %ebx
+	jbe	.L363
+	movl	%esi, %ecx
+	andl	$7, %ecx
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %edx
+	leal	3(%edx,%ecx), %eax
+	shrl	$3, %esi
+	subl	$3, %ebx
+	cmpl	-1320(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	ja	.L286
+	leal	2(%ecx), %edi
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	je	.L415
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %ecx
+	decl	%edi
+	movl	$0, -1288(%ebp,%ecx,4)
+	incl	%ecx
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	movl	%ecx, -1308(%ebp)
+	jne	.L368
+	jmp	.L415
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L361
+	cmpl	$1, %ebx
+	ja	.L405
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L346
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L293
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$1, %ebx
+	jbe	.L349
+	movl	%esi, %ecx
+	andl	$3, %ecx
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %edx
+	leal	3(%edx,%ecx), %eax
+	shrl	$2, %esi
+	subl	$2, %ebx
+	cmpl	-1320(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	$1, %edx
+	ja	.L286
+	leal	2(%ecx), %edi
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	je	.L330
+	movl	-1308(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	-1312(%ebp), %eax
+	decl	%edi
+	movl	%eax, -1288(%ebp,%ecx,4)
+	incl	%ecx
+	cmpl	$-1, %edi
+	movl	%ecx, -1308(%ebp)
+	jne	.L354
+	jmp	.L330
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L347
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L337
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L319
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L306
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L299
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L291
+	.size	inflate_dynamic, .-inflate_dynamic
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	inflate_block, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	movl	bk, %ebx
+	testl	%ebx, %ebx
+	movl	8(%ebp), %edi
+	movl	bb, %esi
+	jne	.L448
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L451
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L435
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	movl	$8, %ebx
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	decl	%ebx
+	andl	$1, %eax
+	shrl	%esi
+	cmpl	$1, %ebx
+	movl	%eax, (%edi)
+	ja	.L450
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L440
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L435
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	movb	%bl, %cl
+	sall	%cl, %eax
+	addl	$8, %ebx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$1, %ebx
+	jbe	.L443
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	andl	$3, %eax
+	shrl	$2, %esi
+	subl	$2, %ebx
+	cmpl	$2, %eax
+	movl	%esi, bb
+	movl	%ebx, bk
+	je	.L455
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	je	.L456
+	decl	%eax
+	jne	.L446
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	jmp	inflate_fixed
+	movl	$2, %eax
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	jmp	inflate_stored
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	jmp	inflate_dynamic
+	movl	$4, %eax
+	jmp	.L428
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L441
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L452
+	.size	inflate_block, .-inflate_block
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	inflate, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	xorl	%edi, %edi
+	movl	$0, outcnt
+	movl	$0, bk
+	movl	$0, bb
+	leal	-16(%ebp), %esi
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	%esi
+	movl	$0, hufts
+	call	gzip_mark
+	leal	-20(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%eax, (%esp)
+	call	inflate_block
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %ebx
+	jne	.L471
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	%esi
+	call	gzip_release
+	movl	hufts, %eax
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	cmpl	%edi, %eax
+	jbe	.L460
+	movl	%eax, %edi
+	movl	-20(%ebp), %ecx
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	je	.L458
+	movl	bk, %edx
+	cmpl	$7, %edx
+	jbe	.L469
+	movl	inptr, %ecx
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	leal	-8(%edx), %eax
+	decl	%ecx
+	cmpl	$7, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %edx
+	ja	.L467
+	movl	%ecx, inptr
+	movl	%eax, bk
+	call	flush_window
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	leal	-12(%ebp), %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	%esi
+	call	gzip_release
+	movl	%ebx, %eax
+	jmp	.L457
+	.size	inflate, .-inflate
+	.section	.rodata
+	.align 32
+	.type	p.0, @object
+	.size	p.0, 56
+	.long	0
+	.long	1
+	.long	2
+	.long	4
+	.long	5
+	.long	7
+	.long	8
+	.long	10
+	.long	11
+	.long	12
+	.long	16
+	.long	22
+	.long	23
+	.long	26
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	makecrc, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	xorl	%esi, %esi
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	movl	$31, %edx
+	movl	$1, %eax
+	movl	%edx, %ecx
+	subl	p.0(,%ebx,4), %ecx
+	movl	%eax, %edi
+	sall	%cl, %edi
+	incl	%ebx
+	orl	%edi, %esi
+	cmpl	$13, %ebx
+	jbe	.L477
+	movl	$0, crc_32_tab
+	movl	$1, %ebx
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	%ebx, %edx
+	orb	$1, %dh
+	xorl	%ecx, %ecx
+	cmpl	$1, %edx
+	je	.L495
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	%ecx, %eax
+	shrl	%eax
+	andl	$1, %ecx
+	je	.L486
+	xorl	%esi, %eax
+	testb	$1, %dl
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	je	.L484
+	xorl	%esi, %ecx
+	sarl	%edx
+	cmpl	$1, %edx
+	jne	.L488
+	movl	%ecx, crc_32_tab(,%ebx,4)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$255, %ebx
+	jle	.L489
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	movl	$-1, crc
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	makecrc, .-makecrc
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"bad gzip magic numbers"
+	.string	"length error"
+	.string	"crc error"
+	.string	"out of input data"
+	.section	.rodata.str1.32,"aMS",@progbits,1
+	.align 32
+	.string	"invalid compressed format (err=1)"
+	.align 32
+	.string	"invalid compressed format (err=2)"
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"out of memory"
+	.section	.rodata.str1.32
+	.align 32
+	.string	"invalid compressed format (other)"
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"Input has invalid flags"
+	.string	"Multi part input"
+	.string	"Input is encrypted"
+	.section	.rodata.str1.32
+	.align 32
+	.string	"internal error, invalid method"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	gunzip, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L497
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	movb	%cl, %bl
+	jae	.L501
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	movb	%cl, %bh
+	jae	.L504
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	cmpb	$31, %bl
+	movb	%cl, %dl
+	jne	.L508
+	movzbl	%bh, %eax
+	cmpb	$-117, %al
+	je	.L507
+	cmpb	$-98, %al
+	je	.L507
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC2
+	call	error
+	movl	$-1, %eax
+	leal	-8(%ebp), %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	cmpb	$8, %dl
+	jne	.L600
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L510
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %esi
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	movl	%esi, %edx
+	movzbl	%dl, %eax
+	testb	$32, %al
+	jne	.L601
+	testb	$2, %al
+	jne	.L602
+	testl	$192, %esi
+	jne	.L603
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L515
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L518
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L521
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L524
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L527
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L530
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	testl	$4, %esi
+	je	.L533
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L534
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	movzbl	%cl, %ebx
+	jae	.L537
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	sall	$8, %eax
+	orl	%eax, %ebx
+	decl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$-1, %ebx
+	je	.L533
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L543
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	decl	%ebx
+	cmpl	$-1, %ebx
+	jne	.L546
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	testl	$8, %esi
+	je	.L547
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L551
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	testb	%cl, %cl
+	jne	.L548
+	andl	$16, %esi
+	je	.L554
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L558
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	testb	%cl, %cl
+	jne	.L555
+	call	inflate
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jne	.L604
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L570
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	movzbl	%cl, %esi
+	jae	.L573
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	sall	$8, %eax
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L576
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	sall	$16, %eax
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	orl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L579
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	sall	$24, %ecx
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	orl	%ecx, %esi
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L582
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	movzbl	%cl, %ebx
+	jae	.L585
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	sall	$8, %eax
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	orl	%eax, %ebx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L588
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movzbl	%cl, %eax
+	sall	$16, %eax
+	movl	inptr, %edx
+	orl	%eax, %ebx
+	cmpl	insize, %edx
+	jae	.L591
+	movl	inbuf, %eax
+	movzbl	(%edx,%eax), %ecx
+	leal	1(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%eax, inptr
+	testl	%ecx, %ecx
+	js	.L500
+	movl	crc, %eax
+	sall	$24, %ecx
+	notl	%eax
+	orl	%ecx, %ebx
+	cmpl	%eax, %esi
+	jne	.L605
+	cmpl	bytes_out, %ebx
+	jne	.L606
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	jmp	.L496
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC13
+	jmp	.L598
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC12
+	jmp	.L598
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC10
+	jmp	.L598
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L592
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L589
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L586
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L583
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L580
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L577
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L574
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L571
+	cmpl	$4, %eax
+	ja	.L568
+	jmp	*.L569(,%eax,4)
+	.section	.rodata
+	.align 4
+	.align 4
+	.long	.L599
+	.long	.L564
+	.long	.L565
+	.long	.L566
+	.long	.L567
+	.text
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC7
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L599
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC8
+	jmp	.L597
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC9
+	jmp	.L597
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC10
+	jmp	.L597
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC11
+	jmp	.L597
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L559
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L552
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L544
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L538
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L535
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L531
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L528
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L525
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L522
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L519
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L516
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC6
+	jmp	.L598
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC5
+	jmp	.L598
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC4
+	jmp	.L598
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %esi
+	jmp	.L511
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC3
+	jmp	.L598
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L505
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L502
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	fill_inbuf
+	movl	%eax, %ecx
+	jmp	.L498
+	.size	gunzip, .-gunzip
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"Out of memory"
+	.string	"Memory error"
+	.string	"Malloc error"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	malloc, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%esi
+	movl	8(%ebp), %esi
+	testl	%esi, %esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	js	.L611
+	movl	free_mem_ptr, %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jle	.L612
+	leal	3(%eax), %ebx
+	andl	$-4, %ebx
+	leal	(%esi,%ebx), %eax
+	cmpl	free_mem_end_ptr, %eax
+	movl	%eax, free_mem_ptr
+	jge	.L613
+	leal	-8(%ebp), %esp
+	movl	%ebx, %eax
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC16
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L610
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC15
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	movl	free_mem_ptr, %eax
+	jmp	.L609
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC14
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L608
+	.size	malloc, .-malloc
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	free, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	free, .-free
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	gzip_mark, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	movl	free_mem_ptr, %edx
+	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	%edx, (%eax)
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	gzip_mark, .-gzip_mark
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	gzip_release, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	(%eax), %eax
+	movl	%eax, free_mem_ptr
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	gzip_release, .-gzip_release
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	scroll, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	movl	lines, %edx
+	movl	cols, %eax
+	leal	-2(%edx,%edx), %edx
+	imull	%eax, %edx
+	movl	vidmem, %ecx
+	pushl	%edx
+	leal	(%ecx,%eax,2), %eax
+	pushl	%eax
+	pushl	%ecx
+	call	memcpy
+	movl	lines, %eax
+	movl	cols, %edx
+	leal	-2(%eax,%eax), %ecx
+	imull	%edx, %eax
+	imull	%edx, %ecx
+	sall	%eax
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	cmpl	%eax, %ecx
+	jge	.L624
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	vidmem, %eax
+	movb	$32, (%ecx,%eax)
+	movl	cols, %eax
+	imull	lines, %eax
+	addl	$2, %ecx
+	sall	%eax
+	cmpl	%eax, %ecx
+	jl	.L622
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	scroll, .-scroll
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	puts, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	movl	8(%ebp), %edi
+	movb	(%edi), %cl
+	movl	real_mode, %eax
+	incl	%edi
+	testb	%cl, %cl
+	movzbl	(%eax), %ebx
+	movzbl	1(%eax), %esi
+	je	.L640
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	cmpb	$10, %cl
+	je	.L642
+	movl	cols, %eax
+	imull	%esi, %eax
+	leal	(%eax,%ebx), %eax
+	movl	vidmem, %edx
+	movb	%cl, (%edx,%eax,2)
+	incl	%ebx
+	cmpl	cols, %ebx
+	jl	.L626
+	incl	%esi
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	cmpl	lines, %esi
+	jge	.L643
+	movb	(%edi), %cl
+	incl	%edi
+	testb	%cl, %cl
+	jne	.L634
+	movl	real_mode, %eax
+	movb	%bl, (%eax)
+	movl	real_mode, %eax
+	movl	%esi, %edx
+	movb	%dl, 1(%eax)
+	movl	cols, %eax
+	imull	%esi, %eax
+	leal	(%eax,%ebx), %eax
+	movw	vidport, %si
+	leal	(%eax,%eax), %ebx
+	movl	%esi, %edx
+	movb	$14, %al
+	outb %al,%dx
+outb %al,$0x80
+	movl	%ebx, %eax
+	leal	1(%esi), %ecx
+	shrl	$9, %eax
+	movl	%ecx, %edx
+	outb %al,%dx
+outb %al,$0x80
+	movb	$15, %al
+	movl	%esi, %edx
+	outb %al,%dx
+outb %al,$0x80
+	movl	%ebx, %eax
+	shrl	%eax
+	movl	%ecx, %edx
+	outb %al,%dx
+outb %al,$0x80
+	addl	$12, %esp
+	popl	%ebx
+	popl	%esi
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	call	scroll
+	decl	%esi
+	jmp	.L626
+	.size	puts, .-puts
+	.p2align 2,,3
+.globl memset
+	.type	memset, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	movl	16(%ebp), %ecx
+	xorl	%edx, %edx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %edx
+	pushl	%ebx
+	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
+	movl	12(%ebp), %ebx
+	jae	.L651
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movb	%bl, (%edx,%eax)
+	incl	%edx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %edx
+	jb	.L649
+	movl	(%esp), %ebx
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	memset, .-memset
+	.p2align 2,,3
+.globl memcpy
+	.type	memcpy, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	xorl	%edx, %edx
+	movl	16(%ebp), %ebx
+	cmpl	%ebx, %edx
+	movl	8(%ebp), %ecx
+	movl	12(%ebp), %esi
+	jae	.L659
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movb	(%edx,%esi), %al
+	movb	%al, (%edx,%ecx)
+	incl	%edx
+	cmpl	%ebx, %edx
+	jb	.L657
+	popl	%ebx
+	movl	%ecx, %eax
+	popl	%esi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	memcpy, .-memcpy
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"ran out of input data"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	fill_inbuf, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	subl	$8, %esp
+	movl	insize, %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jne	.L662
+	movl	input_len, %eax
+	movl	%eax, insize
+	movl	$input_data, inbuf
+	movzbl	input_data, %eax
+	movl	$1, inptr
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC17
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L661
+	.size	fill_inbuf, .-fill_inbuf
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	flush_window_low, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%edi
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	movl	output_ptr, %edi
+	movl	output_data, %ecx
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	movl	outcnt, %eax
+	addl	%edi, %ecx
+	cmpl	%eax, %ebx
+	movl	crc, %edx
+	movl	$window, %esi
+	jae	.L670
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movb	(%esi), %al
+	movb	%al, (%ecx)
+	xorl	%edx, %eax
+	movzbl	%al, %eax
+	shrl	$8, %edx
+	xorl	crc_32_tab(,%eax,4), %edx
+	incl	%ebx
+	movl	outcnt, %eax
+	incl	%esi
+	incl	%ecx
+	cmpl	%eax, %ebx
+	jb	.L668
+	movl	output_ptr, %edi
+	popl	%ebx
+	addl	%eax, bytes_out
+	popl	%esi
+	leal	(%eax,%edi), %eax
+	movl	%edx, crc
+	movl	%eax, output_ptr
+	movl	$0, outcnt
+	popl	%edi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.size	flush_window_low, .-flush_window_low
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	flush_window_high, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%esi
+	pushl	%ebx
+	movl	outcnt, %eax
+	xorl	%ebx, %ebx
+	cmpl	%eax, %ebx
+	movl	crc, %ecx
+	movl	$window, %esi
+	jae	.L679
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	output_data, %eax
+	movb	(%esi), %dl
+	movb	%dl, (%eax)
+	movl	output_data, %eax
+	incl	%eax
+	incl	%esi
+	cmpl	low_buffer_end, %eax
+	movl	%eax, output_data
+	je	.L680
+	xorl	%ecx, %edx
+	movzbl	%dl, %eax
+	shrl	$8, %ecx
+	xorl	crc_32_tab(,%eax,4), %ecx
+	incl	%ebx
+	movl	outcnt, %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, %ebx
+	jb	.L677
+	popl	%ebx
+	movl	%ecx, crc
+	addl	%eax, bytes_out
+	movl	$0, outcnt
+	popl	%esi
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	high_buffer_start, %eax
+	movl	%eax, output_data
+	jmp	.L676
+	.size	flush_window_high, .-flush_window_high
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	flush_window, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	high_loaded, %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	je	.L682
+	leave
+	jmp	flush_window_high
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	leave
+	jmp	flush_window_low
+	.size	flush_window, .-flush_window
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"\n\n"
+	.string	"\n\n -- System halted"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	.type	error, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	subl	$20, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC18
+	call	puts
+	popl	%eax
+	pushl	8(%ebp)
+	call	puts
+	movl	$.LC19, (%esp)
+	call	puts
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	jmp	.L685
+	.size	error, .-error
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"Less than 2MB of memory"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+.globl setup_normal_output_buffer
+	.type	setup_normal_output_buffer, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	subl	$8, %esp
+	movl	real_mode, %edx
+	movzwl	2(%edx), %eax
+	movl	480(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jae	.L690
+	movl	%ecx, %eax
+	cmpl	$1023, %eax
+	jbe	.L691
+	movl	$1048576, output_data
+	movl	%edx, free_mem_end_ptr
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC20
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	movl	real_mode, %edx
+	jmp	.L689
+	.size	setup_normal_output_buffer, .-setup_normal_output_buffer
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	"Less than 4MB of memory"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+.globl setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high
+	.type	setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%ebx
+	pushl	%eax
+	movl	real_mode, %eax
+	movzwl	2(%eax), %edx
+	movl	480(%eax), %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, %edx
+	movl	8(%ebp), %ebx
+	movl	$end+12288, high_buffer_start
+	jae	.L694
+	movl	%eax, %edx
+	cmpl	$3071, %edx
+	jbe	.L698
+	movl	real_mode, %eax
+	cmpl	$589824, %eax
+	movl	$8192, output_data
+	movl	$8192, (%ebx)
+	jbe	.L695
+	movl	$589824, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %edx
+	andl	$-4096, %edx
+	leal	-8192(%edx), %eax
+	movl	%edx, low_buffer_end
+	movl	%eax, low_buffer_size
+	addl	$1040384, %edx
+	movl	high_buffer_start, %eax
+	cmpl	%eax, %edx
+	movl	$1, high_loaded
+	movl	%eax, free_mem_end_ptr
+	jbe	.L696
+	movl	%edx, %eax
+	movl	%edx, high_buffer_start
+	movl	$0, 12(%ebx)
+	movl	%eax, 8(%ebx)
+	movl	-4(%ebp), %ebx
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	$-1, 12(%ebx)
+	jmp	.L697
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC21
+	call	error
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L693
+	.size	setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high, .-setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high
+	.p2align 2,,3
+.globl close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high
+	.type	close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	bytes_out, %edx
+	movl	low_buffer_size, %eax
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	cmpl	%eax, %edx
+	movl	8(%ebp), %ecx
+	jbe	.L700
+	cmpl	$0, 12(%ecx)
+	movl	%eax, 4(%ecx)
+	je	.L699
+	subl	%eax, %edx
+	movl	%edx, 12(%ecx)
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	%edx, 4(%ecx)
+	movl	$0, 12(%ecx)
+	jmp	.L699
+	.size	close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high, .-close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high
+	.section	.rodata.str1.1
+	.string	".\nDecompressing Linux..."
+	.string	"done.\nBooting the kernel.\n"
+	.text
+	.p2align 2,,3
+.globl decompress_kernel
+	.type	decompress_kernel, @function
+	pushl	%ebp
+	movl	%esp, %ebp
+	pushl	%ebx
+	pushl	%eax
+	movl	12(%ebp), %eax
+	cmpb	$7, 6(%eax)
+	movl	8(%ebp), %ebx
+	movl	%eax, real_mode
+	je	.L709
+	movl	$753664, vidmem
+	movl	$980, vidport
+	movl	real_mode, %eax
+	movzbl	14(%eax), %edx
+	cmpl	$1048575, free_mem_ptr
+	movzbl	7(%eax), %eax
+	movl	%edx, lines
+	movl	%eax, cols
+	jg	.L706
+	call	setup_normal_output_buffer
+	call	makecrc
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	$.LC22
+	call	puts
+	call	gunzip
+	movl	$.LC23, (%esp)
+	call	puts
+	movl	high_loaded, %eax
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jne	.L710
+	movl	-4(%ebp), %ebx
+	leave
+	ret
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	%ebx
+	call	close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	movl	high_loaded, %eax
+	jmp	.L708
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	subl	$12, %esp
+	pushl	%ebx
+	call	setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high
+	addl	$16, %esp
+	jmp	.L707
+	.p2align 2,,3
+	movl	$720896, vidmem
+	movl	$948, vidport
+	jmp	.L705
+	.size	decompress_kernel, .-decompress_kernel
+	.local	inbuf
+	.comm	inbuf,4,4
+	.local	window
+	.comm	window,32768,32
+	.local	real_mode
+	.comm	real_mode,4,4
+	.local	output_data
+	.comm	output_data,4,4
+	.local	free_mem_end_ptr
+	.comm	free_mem_end_ptr,4,4
+	.local	low_buffer_end
+	.comm	low_buffer_end,4,4
+	.local	low_buffer_size
+	.comm	low_buffer_size,4,4
+	.local	high_buffer_start
+	.comm	high_buffer_start,4,4
+	.local	vidport
+	.comm	vidport,4,4
+	.local	lines
+	.comm	lines,4,4
+	.local	cols
+	.comm	cols,4,4
+	.local	bb
+	.comm	bb,4,4
+	.local	bk
+	.comm	bk,4,4
+	.local	hufts
+	.comm	hufts,4,4
+	.local	crc_32_tab
+	.comm	crc_32_tab,1024,32
+	.local	crc
+	.comm	crc,4,4
+	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
+	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 3.3.3"
diff -urN linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c
--- linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c	2004-03-10 20:55:26.000000000 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.c	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
- * misc.c
- * 
- * This is a collection of several routines from gzip-1.0.3 
- * adapted for Linux.
- *
- * malloc by Hannu Savolainen 1993 and Matthias Urlichs 1994
- * puts by Nick Holloway 1993, better puts by Martin Mares 1995
- * High loaded stuff by Hans Lermen & Werner Almesberger, Feb. 1996
- */
-#include "miscsetup.h"
-#include <asm/io.h>
- * gzip declarations
- */
-#define OF(args)  args
-#define STATIC static
-#undef memset
-#undef memcpy
-#define memzero(s, n)     memset ((s), 0, (n))
-typedef unsigned char  uch;
-typedef unsigned short ush;
-typedef unsigned long  ulg;
-#define WSIZE 0x8000		/* Window size must be at least 32k, */
-				/* and a power of two */
-static uch *inbuf;	     /* input buffer */
-static uch window[WSIZE];    /* Sliding window buffer */
-static unsigned insize = 0;  /* valid bytes in inbuf */
-static unsigned inptr = 0;   /* index of next byte to be processed in inbuf */
-static unsigned outcnt = 0;  /* bytes in output buffer */
-/* gzip flag byte */
-#define ASCII_FLAG   0x01 /* bit 0 set: file probably ASCII text */
-#define CONTINUATION 0x02 /* bit 1 set: continuation of multi-part gzip file */
-#define EXTRA_FIELD  0x04 /* bit 2 set: extra field present */
-#define ORIG_NAME    0x08 /* bit 3 set: original file name present */
-#define COMMENT      0x10 /* bit 4 set: file comment present */
-#define ENCRYPTED    0x20 /* bit 5 set: file is encrypted */
-#define RESERVED     0xC0 /* bit 6,7:   reserved */
-#define get_byte()  (inptr < insize ? inbuf[inptr++] : fill_inbuf())
-/* Diagnostic functions */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#  define Assert(cond,msg) {if(!(cond)) error(msg);}
-#  define Trace(x) fprintf x
-#  define Tracev(x) {if (verbose) fprintf x ;}
-#  define Tracevv(x) {if (verbose>1) fprintf x ;}
-#  define Tracec(c,x) {if (verbose && (c)) fprintf x ;}
-#  define Tracecv(c,x) {if (verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
-#  define Assert(cond,msg)
-#  define Trace(x)
-#  define Tracev(x)
-#  define Tracevv(x)
-#  define Tracec(c,x)
-#  define Tracecv(c,x)
-static int  fill_inbuf(void);
-static void flush_window(void);
-static void error(char *m);
-static void gzip_mark(void **);
-static void gzip_release(void **);
- * This is set up by the setup-routine at boot-time
- */
-static unsigned char *real_mode; /* Pointer to real-mode data */
-#define EXT_MEM_K   (*(unsigned short *)(real_mode + 0x2))
-#define ALT_MEM_K   (*(unsigned long *)(real_mode + 0x1e0))
-#define SCREEN_INFO (*(struct screen_info *)(real_mode+0))
-extern char input_data[];
-extern int input_len;
-static long bytes_out = 0;
-static uch *output_data;
-static unsigned long output_ptr = 0;
-static void *malloc(int size);
-static void free(void *where);
-static void puts(const char *);
-extern int end;
-static long free_mem_ptr = (long)&end;
-static long free_mem_end_ptr;
-#define INPLACE_MOVE_ROUTINE  0x1000
-#define LOW_BUFFER_START      0x2000
-#define LOW_BUFFER_MAX       0x90000
-#define HEAP_SIZE             0x3000
-static unsigned int low_buffer_end, low_buffer_size;
-static int high_loaded =0;
-static uch *high_buffer_start /* = (uch *)(((ulg)&end) + HEAP_SIZE)*/;
-static char *vidmem = (char *)0xb8000;
-static int vidport;
-static int lines, cols;
-#include "../../../../lib/inflate.c"
-static void *malloc(int size)
-	void *p;
-	if (size <0) error("Malloc error");
-	if (free_mem_ptr <= 0) error("Memory error");
-	free_mem_ptr = (free_mem_ptr + 3) & ~3;	/* Align */
-	p = (void *)free_mem_ptr;
-	free_mem_ptr += size;
-	if (free_mem_ptr >= free_mem_end_ptr)
-		error("Out of memory");
-	return p;
-static void free(void *where)
-{	/* Don't care */
-static void gzip_mark(void **ptr)
-	*ptr = (void *) free_mem_ptr;
-static void gzip_release(void **ptr)
-	free_mem_ptr = (long) *ptr;
-static void scroll(void)
-	int i;
-	memcpy ( vidmem, vidmem + cols * 2, ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2 );
-	for ( i = ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2; i < lines * cols * 2; i += 2 )
-		vidmem[i] = ' ';
-static void puts(const char *s)
-	int x,y,pos;
-	char c;
-	x = SCREEN_INFO.orig_x;
-	y = SCREEN_INFO.orig_y;
-	while ( ( c = *s++ ) != '\0' ) {
-		if ( c == '\n' ) {
-			x = 0;
-			if ( ++y >= lines ) {
-				scroll();
-				y--;
-			}
-		} else {
-			vidmem [ ( x + cols * y ) * 2 ] = c; 
-			if ( ++x >= cols ) {
-				x = 0;
-				if ( ++y >= lines ) {
-					scroll();
-					y--;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	SCREEN_INFO.orig_x = x;
-	SCREEN_INFO.orig_y = y;
-	pos = (x + cols * y) * 2;	/* Update cursor position */
-	outb_p(14, vidport);
-	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 9), vidport+1);
-	outb_p(15, vidport);
-	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 1), vidport+1);
-void* memset(void* s, int c, unsigned n)
-	int i;
-	char *ss = (char*)s;
-	for (i=0;i<n;i++) ss[i] = c;
-	return s;
-void* memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, unsigned n)
-	int i;
-	char *d = (char *)dest, *s = (char *)src;
-	for (i=0;i<n;i++) d[i] = s[i];
-	return dest;
-/* ===========================================================================
- * Fill the input buffer. This is called only when the buffer is empty
- * and at least one byte is really needed.
- */
-static int fill_inbuf(void)
-	if (insize != 0) {
-		error("ran out of input data");
-	}
-	inbuf = input_data;
-	insize = input_len;
-	inptr = 1;
-	return inbuf[0];
-/* ===========================================================================
- * Write the output window window[0..outcnt-1] and update crc and bytes_out.
- * (Used for the decompressed data only.)
- */
-static void flush_window_low(void)
-    ulg c = crc;         /* temporary variable */
-    unsigned n;
-    uch *in, *out, ch;
-    in = window;
-    out = &output_data[output_ptr]; 
-    for (n = 0; n < outcnt; n++) {
-	    ch = *out++ = *in++;
-	    c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
-    }
-    crc = c;
-    bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;
-    output_ptr += (ulg)outcnt;
-    outcnt = 0;
-static void flush_window_high(void)
-    ulg c = crc;         /* temporary variable */
-    unsigned n;
-    uch *in,  ch;
-    in = window;
-    for (n = 0; n < outcnt; n++) {
-	ch = *output_data++ = *in++;
-	if ((ulg)output_data == low_buffer_end) output_data=high_buffer_start;
-	c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
-    }
-    crc = c;
-    bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;
-    outcnt = 0;
-static void flush_window(void)
-	if (high_loaded) flush_window_high();
-	else flush_window_low();
-static void error(char *x)
-	puts("\n\n");
-	puts(x);
-	puts("\n\n -- System halted");
-	while(1);
-void setup_normal_output_buffer(void)
-	if (EXT_MEM_K < 1024) error("Less than 2MB of memory");
-	if ((ALT_MEM_K > EXT_MEM_K ? ALT_MEM_K : EXT_MEM_K) < 1024) error("Less than 2MB of memory");
-	output_data = (char *)0x100000; /* Points to 1M */
-	free_mem_end_ptr = (long)real_mode;
-struct moveparams {
-	uch *low_buffer_start;  int lcount;
-	uch *high_buffer_start; int hcount;
-void setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(struct moveparams *mv)
-	high_buffer_start = (uch *)(((ulg)&end) + HEAP_SIZE);
-	if (EXT_MEM_K < (3*1024)) error("Less than 4MB of memory");
-	if ((ALT_MEM_K > EXT_MEM_K ? ALT_MEM_K : EXT_MEM_K) < (3*1024)) error("Less than 4MB of memory");
-	mv->low_buffer_start = output_data = (char *)LOW_BUFFER_START;
-	low_buffer_end = ((unsigned int)real_mode > LOW_BUFFER_MAX
-	  ? LOW_BUFFER_MAX : (unsigned int)real_mode) & ~0xfff;
-	low_buffer_size = low_buffer_end - LOW_BUFFER_START;
-	high_loaded = 1;
-	free_mem_end_ptr = (long)high_buffer_start;
-	if ( (0x100000 + low_buffer_size) > ((ulg)high_buffer_start)) {
-		high_buffer_start = (uch *)(0x100000 + low_buffer_size);
-		mv->hcount = 0; /* say: we need not to move high_buffer */
-	}
-	else mv->hcount = -1;
-	mv->high_buffer_start = high_buffer_start;
-void close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(struct moveparams *mv)
-	if (bytes_out > low_buffer_size) {
-		mv->lcount = low_buffer_size;
-		if (mv->hcount)
-			mv->hcount = bytes_out - low_buffer_size;
-	} else {
-		mv->lcount = bytes_out;
-		mv->hcount = 0;
-	}
-int decompress_kernel(struct moveparams *mv, void *rmode)
-	real_mode = rmode;
-	if (SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_mode == 7) {
-		vidmem = (char *) 0xb0000;
-		vidport = 0x3b4;
-	} else {
-		vidmem = (char *) 0xb8000;
-		vidport = 0x3d4;
-	}
-	lines = SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_lines;
-	cols = SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_cols;
-	if (free_mem_ptr < 0x100000) setup_normal_output_buffer();
-	else setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(mv);
-	makecrc();
-	puts(".\nDecompressing Linux...");
-	gunzip();
-	puts("done.\nBooting the kernel.\n");
-	if (high_loaded) close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(mv);
-	return high_loaded;
diff -urN linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.foo.c linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.foo.c
--- linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.foo.c	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/boot/compressed/misc.foo.c	2004-03-10 20:55:26.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ * misc.c
+ * 
+ * This is a collection of several routines from gzip-1.0.3 
+ * adapted for Linux.
+ *
+ * malloc by Hannu Savolainen 1993 and Matthias Urlichs 1994
+ * puts by Nick Holloway 1993, better puts by Martin Mares 1995
+ * High loaded stuff by Hans Lermen & Werner Almesberger, Feb. 1996
+ */
+#include "miscsetup.h"
+#include <asm/io.h>
+ * gzip declarations
+ */
+#define OF(args)  args
+#define STATIC static
+#undef memset
+#undef memcpy
+#define memzero(s, n)     memset ((s), 0, (n))
+typedef unsigned char  uch;
+typedef unsigned short ush;
+typedef unsigned long  ulg;
+#define WSIZE 0x8000		/* Window size must be at least 32k, */
+				/* and a power of two */
+static uch *inbuf;	     /* input buffer */
+static uch window[WSIZE];    /* Sliding window buffer */
+static unsigned insize = 0;  /* valid bytes in inbuf */
+static unsigned inptr = 0;   /* index of next byte to be processed in inbuf */
+static unsigned outcnt = 0;  /* bytes in output buffer */
+/* gzip flag byte */
+#define ASCII_FLAG   0x01 /* bit 0 set: file probably ASCII text */
+#define CONTINUATION 0x02 /* bit 1 set: continuation of multi-part gzip file */
+#define EXTRA_FIELD  0x04 /* bit 2 set: extra field present */
+#define ORIG_NAME    0x08 /* bit 3 set: original file name present */
+#define COMMENT      0x10 /* bit 4 set: file comment present */
+#define ENCRYPTED    0x20 /* bit 5 set: file is encrypted */
+#define RESERVED     0xC0 /* bit 6,7:   reserved */
+#define get_byte()  (inptr < insize ? inbuf[inptr++] : fill_inbuf())
+/* Diagnostic functions */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#  define Assert(cond,msg) {if(!(cond)) error(msg);}
+#  define Trace(x) fprintf x
+#  define Tracev(x) {if (verbose) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracevv(x) {if (verbose>1) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracec(c,x) {if (verbose && (c)) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracecv(c,x) {if (verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Assert(cond,msg)
+#  define Trace(x)
+#  define Tracev(x)
+#  define Tracevv(x)
+#  define Tracec(c,x)
+#  define Tracecv(c,x)
+static int  fill_inbuf(void);
+static void flush_window(void);
+static void error(char *m);
+static void gzip_mark(void **);
+static void gzip_release(void **);
+ * This is set up by the setup-routine at boot-time
+ */
+static unsigned char *real_mode; /* Pointer to real-mode data */
+#define EXT_MEM_K   (*(unsigned short *)(real_mode + 0x2))
+#define ALT_MEM_K   (*(unsigned long *)(real_mode + 0x1e0))
+#define SCREEN_INFO (*(struct screen_info *)(real_mode+0))
+extern char input_data[];
+extern int input_len;
+static long bytes_out = 0;
+static uch *output_data;
+static unsigned long output_ptr = 0;
+static void *malloc(int size);
+static void free(void *where);
+static void puts(const char *);
+extern int end;
+static long free_mem_ptr = (long)&end;
+static long free_mem_end_ptr;
+#define INPLACE_MOVE_ROUTINE  0x1000
+#define LOW_BUFFER_START      0x2000
+#define LOW_BUFFER_MAX       0x90000
+#define HEAP_SIZE             0x3000
+static unsigned int low_buffer_end, low_buffer_size;
+static int high_loaded =0;
+static uch *high_buffer_start /* = (uch *)(((ulg)&end) + HEAP_SIZE)*/;
+static char *vidmem = (char *)0xb8000;
+static int vidport;
+static int lines, cols;
+#include "../../../../lib/inflate.c"
+static void *malloc(int size)
+	void *p;
+	if (size <0) error("Malloc error");
+	if (free_mem_ptr <= 0) error("Memory error");
+	free_mem_ptr = (free_mem_ptr + 3) & ~3;	/* Align */
+	p = (void *)free_mem_ptr;
+	free_mem_ptr += size;
+	if (free_mem_ptr >= free_mem_end_ptr)
+		error("Out of memory");
+	return p;
+static void free(void *where)
+{	/* Don't care */
+static void gzip_mark(void **ptr)
+	*ptr = (void *) free_mem_ptr;
+static void gzip_release(void **ptr)
+	free_mem_ptr = (long) *ptr;
+static void scroll(void)
+	int i;
+	memcpy ( vidmem, vidmem + cols * 2, ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2 );
+	for ( i = ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2; i < lines * cols * 2; i += 2 )
+		vidmem[i] = ' ';
+static void puts(const char *s)
+	int x,y,pos;
+	char c;
+	x = SCREEN_INFO.orig_x;
+	y = SCREEN_INFO.orig_y;
+	while ( ( c = *s++ ) != '\0' ) {
+		if ( c == '\n' ) {
+			x = 0;
+			if ( ++y >= lines ) {
+				scroll();
+				y--;
+			}
+		} else {
+			vidmem [ ( x + cols * y ) * 2 ] = c; 
+			if ( ++x >= cols ) {
+				x = 0;
+				if ( ++y >= lines ) {
+					scroll();
+					y--;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	SCREEN_INFO.orig_x = x;
+	SCREEN_INFO.orig_y = y;
+	pos = (x + cols * y) * 2;	/* Update cursor position */
+	outb_p(14, vidport);
+	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 9), vidport+1);
+	outb_p(15, vidport);
+	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 1), vidport+1);
+void* memset(void* s, int c, unsigned n)
+	int i;
+	char *ss = (char*)s;
+	for (i=0;i<n;i++) ss[i] = c;
+	return s;
+void* memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, unsigned n)
+	int i;
+	char *d = (char *)dest, *s = (char *)src;
+	for (i=0;i<n;i++) d[i] = s[i];
+	return dest;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Fill the input buffer. This is called only when the buffer is empty
+ * and at least one byte is really needed.
+ */
+static int fill_inbuf(void)
+	if (insize != 0) {
+		error("ran out of input data");
+	}
+	inbuf = input_data;
+	insize = input_len;
+	inptr = 1;
+	return inbuf[0];
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Write the output window window[0..outcnt-1] and update crc and bytes_out.
+ * (Used for the decompressed data only.)
+ */
+static void flush_window_low(void)
+    ulg c = crc;         /* temporary variable */
+    unsigned n;
+    uch *in, *out, ch;
+    in = window;
+    out = &output_data[output_ptr]; 
+    for (n = 0; n < outcnt; n++) {
+	    ch = *out++ = *in++;
+	    c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
+    }
+    crc = c;
+    bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;
+    output_ptr += (ulg)outcnt;
+    outcnt = 0;
+static void flush_window_high(void)
+    ulg c = crc;         /* temporary variable */
+    unsigned n;
+    uch *in,  ch;
+    in = window;
+    for (n = 0; n < outcnt; n++) {
+	ch = *output_data++ = *in++;
+	if ((ulg)output_data == low_buffer_end) output_data=high_buffer_start;
+	c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
+    }
+    crc = c;
+    bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;
+    outcnt = 0;
+static void flush_window(void)
+	if (high_loaded) flush_window_high();
+	else flush_window_low();
+static void error(char *x)
+	puts("\n\n");
+	puts(x);
+	puts("\n\n -- System halted");
+	while(1);
+void setup_normal_output_buffer(void)
+	if (EXT_MEM_K < 1024) error("Less than 2MB of memory");
+	if ((ALT_MEM_K > EXT_MEM_K ? ALT_MEM_K : EXT_MEM_K) < 1024) error("Less than 2MB of memory");
+	output_data = (char *)0x100000; /* Points to 1M */
+	free_mem_end_ptr = (long)real_mode;
+struct moveparams {
+	uch *low_buffer_start;  int lcount;
+	uch *high_buffer_start; int hcount;
+void setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(struct moveparams *mv)
+	high_buffer_start = (uch *)(((ulg)&end) + HEAP_SIZE);
+	if (EXT_MEM_K < (3*1024)) error("Less than 4MB of memory");
+	if ((ALT_MEM_K > EXT_MEM_K ? ALT_MEM_K : EXT_MEM_K) < (3*1024)) error("Less than 4MB of memory");
+	mv->low_buffer_start = output_data = (char *)LOW_BUFFER_START;
+	low_buffer_end = ((unsigned int)real_mode > LOW_BUFFER_MAX
+	  ? LOW_BUFFER_MAX : (unsigned int)real_mode) & ~0xfff;
+	low_buffer_size = low_buffer_end - LOW_BUFFER_START;
+	high_loaded = 1;
+	free_mem_end_ptr = (long)high_buffer_start;
+	if ( (0x100000 + low_buffer_size) > ((ulg)high_buffer_start)) {
+		high_buffer_start = (uch *)(0x100000 + low_buffer_size);
+		mv->hcount = 0; /* say: we need not to move high_buffer */
+	}
+	else mv->hcount = -1;
+	mv->high_buffer_start = high_buffer_start;
+void close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(struct moveparams *mv)
+	if (bytes_out > low_buffer_size) {
+		mv->lcount = low_buffer_size;
+		if (mv->hcount)
+			mv->hcount = bytes_out - low_buffer_size;
+	} else {
+		mv->lcount = bytes_out;
+		mv->hcount = 0;
+	}
+int decompress_kernel(struct moveparams *mv, void *rmode)
+	real_mode = rmode;
+	if (SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_mode == 7) {
+		vidmem = (char *) 0xb0000;
+		vidport = 0x3b4;
+	} else {
+		vidmem = (char *) 0xb8000;
+		vidport = 0x3d4;
+	}
+	lines = SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_lines;
+	cols = SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_cols;
+	if (free_mem_ptr < 0x100000) setup_normal_output_buffer();
+	else setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(mv);
+	makecrc();
+	puts(".\nDecompressing Linux...");
+	gunzip();
+	puts("done.\nBooting the kernel.\n");
+	if (high_loaded) close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(mv);
+	return high_loaded;
diff -urN linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/ia32/Makefile linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/ia32/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.4/arch/x86_64/ia32/Makefile	2004-03-10 20:55:24.000000000 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.4-patched/arch/x86_64/ia32/Makefile	2004-03-16 14:19:43.000000000 -0600
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
 $(obj)/vsyscall.so: $(src)/vsyscall.lds $(obj)/vsyscall.o FORCE
 	$(call if_changed,vsyscall)
-AFLAGS_vsyscall.o = -m32
+AFLAGS_vsyscall.o = -Wa,--32
 CFLAGS_ia32_ioctl.o += -Ifs/

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