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Re: [multiarch] Proposal for *-dev packages

* Paul Brook 

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| On Thursday 15 January 2004 11:48 am, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
| > | Other could do with conflicting -dev packages. But the majority of
| > | people I talked to so far would like to havethem installed in parallel
| > | instead of having to purge and reinstall them each time they compile
| > | for a different bit depth.
| > |
| > | Just consider compiling a benchmark that tests 32 bit and 64 bit
| > | support. That would be hell.
| >
| > We aren't gentoo.  Users aren't supposed to do that, but if they do,
| > they should use a chroot.  Optimize for the common case.
| I disagree.

What are you disagreeing with?  That we aren't gentoo?  That users
aren't supposed to do that?  Or that we should optimize for the common

| I suspect a good number of Debian users are developers like myself. A 
| multiarch system is IMHO fairly useless if you can only use it to develop 
| software for the 'primary' subarch. This is especially true eg. on mips where 
| preferred subarch depends on the application (n32 for speed vs. n64 for 
| address space).

Why is running pdebuild32 (or whatever it'll be called) so much worse
than running debuild?  Having co- (or tri-) installable -dev packages
will be very, very tricky and will require you to massively increase
the number of packages in the archive or break a number of assumptions
a lot of places in the packaging system.

| Also, providing a multiarch gcc/libc is only of limited use if all the other 
| -dev packages only support a single arch. Reinstalling the -dev package to 
| compile for a different subarch really isn't practical.

That is why you compile in a chroot.  AMD64 systems will have >= 256MB
RAM and many gigs of HDD space, so this shouldn't be a real problem.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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