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Re: KDE4 testing on Alpha

Hi Bob,

Alle venerdì 9 dicembre 2011, Bob Tracy ha scritto:
> Armed with nearly three times the RAM I used to have, I screwed up my
> courage and tried a plasma-desktop session on the console.  It locked
> up the machine as it did on all prior attempts, but now that the
> machine isn't paging itself to death, it seems easier to start
> narrowing down cause and effect.
> In particular, the desktop session was running great...  Had
> previously- saved terminal window sessions open and was keeping
> track of physical memory and swap usage.  Just under 100% of 1.5 GB
> RAM was in use, although much of it was buffering: only a bit over 8
> KB of swap was in use.  Then, "virtuoso-t" started executing the
> background.  The syslog up to the point of having to press the reset
> switch is showing tens of thousands of suppressed callbacks, with
> log entries spaced roughly six seconds apart.  "tracker-store"
> similarly generated lots of suppressed callback messages, but only
> numbered in the thousands rather than tens of thousands.

If it's the virtuoso process to create issue, you can try disabling the 
semantic desktop (which uses the virtuoso DB): either you uninstall the 
virtuoso packages, or disable nepomuk for your user in a console with:
$ kwriteconfig --file nepomukserverrc --group "Basic Settings" \
  --key "Start Nepomuk" --type bool false
(you can also do that in the "semantic desktop" section of 

If that does not avoid the hard lockup, I don't have more ideas at the 

Pino Toscano

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