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File system problem

   I have installed debian on an Alpha machine.
    When I write fdisk -l I get the following output:

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4427 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

9 partitions:
#       start       end      size     fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:        2      2000      1999       ext2                      
  b:     2001      2100       100       swap                      
  c:     2101      3000       900       ext2                      
  d:     3001      4427      1427       ext2  

    uname -a gives the following output:
Linux lnsa14 2.2.20 #2 Wed Mar 20 19:57:28 EST 2002 alpha unknown

   I have added the following line in my fstab for /dev/sda3

/dev/sda3 /scratch  ext2 defaults  1  2

   When I execute mount -a I get the following error:

lnsa14:/# mount -a
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda4,
       or too many mounted file systems

  I also see the following output from dmesg:

VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev sd(8,4)

   What is this error? How can I correct it without reinstalling the SW?
   Your help will be very much appreciated.

Padiyath Sreekumar       |   Tel: +41.56.310.3643
Paul Scherrer Institut   |   email: kumar.padiyath@psi.ch
AIT                      |   Office: WHGA/U132 
WHGA/U132                |   Fax: +41.56.310.3649
CH-5232 Villigen PSI     | 
Switzerland              |

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