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Re: Please test new kernel-image-2.6.10-alpha packages

if ext3 is working without oops I could make a test when I have time.

At 15:23 23.01.2005, you wrote:
With the latest upload of kernel-source-2.6.10 I was finally able to
create working (for me) kernel-image-2.6.10-alpha packages. Please
test them, especially when you're using a Qlogic ISP1020/1040 SCSI
controller, which is now supported by the qla1280 driver. You also
need to update initrd-tools if you want to use the qla1280 driver with
your ISP1020/1040 controller.

,----[ sources.list ]
| deb http://people.debian.org/~nobse/kernel/alpha/kernel-image-2.6.10-alpha/ ./
| deb http://people.debian.org/~nobse/kernel/initrd-tools/ ./

My patch for initrd-tools isn't perfect currently, you aren't able to
build a new initrd for a 2.4 kernel when running a 2.6 kernel with the
qla1280 driver. I'll provide a better patch soon.


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Uwe Schindler
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