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Solution: Getting Post Codes

So this information would be archived I'm replying to my own post, please
correct anything that is wrong:

Ok to clarify the functionality on the board:

1.) It could be running headless with the console directed on
   one of the DB9 ports.  (In my case this didn't happen.)

2.) The Postcodes are definitely obtained through the SROM/Debug Port.

Cable Information

While not used as on some machines (like the DEC VAXstation 3100
or DECstation 3100) as the console terminal port, it is a MMJ terminal
port, so the pinouts are:

                        Corresponding 25 pin RS-232 pins
1 DTR                                  20
2 TD (+)                                2
3 TD (-)                                7
4 RD (-)                                7
5 RD (+)                                3
6 DSR                                   6
[Thanks to: http://teryx.bobdbob.com/~protius/pinouts/]

However, it should be noted that the above table is for a straight through cable. While this isn't a problem if you already have a null modem cable for a terminal; if you don't have a null modem cable/adapter to use in conjunction, remember to swap the Transmit and Receive pins. The other cable nuance is that the MMJ had the clip in a strange place. To workaround this, take a 6-conductor RJ-11 and saw off its clip.

Set the terminal/emulator to 9600/8/n/1 (I assumed that hardware flow control should work, however for view the postcode XON/XOFF worked.) Also I assume that one can use this in conjunction with the debug monitor to upload SROM images. I haven't gotten this far yet.

For the PC164 The Postcode start off with

"21164A." on the new line (generally whatever your CPU is).

And then followed with the postcode listed in the Motherboard User's Manual, I don't think that they are in the Technical reference manual.

Try any of this at your own risk.

Philip Thiem -- Icequake.net Administrator
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