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Re: Re: AS255, X not running

Lio <ls3@mageos.com> schrieb am 20.06.03 07:35:44:
> running dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xfree86 leads to unknown option -e.
> still can not transfer my log file here but the last message is :
> Addscreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
> I also got this (EE) Failed to load "pex5" (module does not exist, 0) but
> dont know exactly how to deselect it (is it in XFConfig-4 ?)
> Thanks for trying to help
> Lio

It has to lead to an unknown option -e, since you forgot an additional '-'.
It has to be like this: dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xfree86. pex5 has to be
disabled in the "Module"-section of XF86Config-4.


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