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buildd request: tsclient (0.104-1)

Dear Alpha porters,
	Binary packages for tsclient 0.104-1 for all $ARCHes other
than alpha have been successful built since Feb 4, 2003 [1], but so
far there has been no sign on of any alpha packages or even a build
log. Could someone please requeue it? Thanks in advanced.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau

[1] http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?&pkg=tsclient
* Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau              Computer Science & Student Rep, UNSW *
*   # apt-get into it                 Debian GNU/Linux Package Maintainer *
*     <netsnipe(+)debianplanet.org\0>      <alau(+)cse.unsw.edu.au\0>     *
* GnuPG 1024D/2E8B68BD 0B77 73D0 4F3B F286 63F1  9F4A 9B24 C07D 2E8B 68BD *

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