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Re: Repost: Installing Debian on a (possibly flaky) AlphaServer 1000A?

On Thursday 14 November 2002 09:08 am, Rice, Gregg M. wrote:
> [My apologies; I sent the following before joining the list and wasn't sure 
it was posted.]
> ===
> My department has an AlphaServer 1000A 5/300 pedestal system (128M memory, 
6G of disk) on which I'd like to install Debian. It has been used by others 
for quite a while (running NT), and just recently arrived in our office. It 
has a video card in addition to the VGA port on the motherboard, and when I 
originally turned it on the card sent out a video signal but not the 
motherboard's VGA port. It typically starts up OK, but has occasionally 
stopped with the message "srom v1.0 f4" displayed on the control panel.
> It runs AlphaBIOS 5.28, and when I attempted to switch from this to SRM (as 
suggested in of the Debian Alpha FAQs), after the restart I get no video from 
either VGA port (flying blind ...).

Try a serial terminal on the first serial port (usually 9600,8n1,xon/xoff).   
Once you get to SRM, you can 'set console graphics` and then 'init' to enable 
the VGA console.

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