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xinerama on Miata w/ 2 Elsa Gloria Synergy 8's on Debian testing?

Hi all,

Sorry about the incessant long emails but searching
the debian-alpha, debian-x and axp-lists didn't expose
any solutions...

I'm wondering if any Miata users have had any luck
with Xinerama + XFree4.10 on Debian testing with two
Elsa Gloria Synergy 8s... and if not, which dual-head
graphics card is recommended on Alpha/XFree4.x?  

What initially happened on my Miata 600au is that I
put a second Elsa card in (with VGA disabled) and set
up my XF86Config file for the second card in the
following manner:
# ADAPTER #1: Elsa GLoria Synergy8, PCI Bus 1:8:0

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "svga0"
    Driver      "glint"
    #VideoRam    8192
#Option "no_accel"
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
# Added the PCI Bus ID here!
        BusID   "PCI:1:8:0"

# ADAPTER #2: Elsa GLoria Synergy8, PCI Bus 1:9:0
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "svga1"
        Driver          "glint"
        BusID           "PCI:1:9:0"

Since the first adapter was set up by xf86config, I
assumed that these settings (apart from the PCI bus
ID) would be identical for the second adapter.

However, when I start xdm, the second display appears
at the wrong resolution (1024x768 instead of
1280x1024) and apparently wrong refresh rate (as the
display is noisy).  The following strangeness appears
in /var/log/xdm.log:


Incorrect detection of the second card's videoRAM

(**) GLINT(1): VideoRAM: 4096kByte

Cannot support desired resolution because of above:

(II) GLINT(1): Insufficient default mode "1280x1024" \
     (insufficient memory for mode)


Explicitly specifying the correct amount of video
memory in XF86Config didn't help - /var/log/xdm.log
was identical to the output above...

I 'borrowed' two Matrox Millennium cards from some PCs
and tried those instead.  Lo and behold, they work
with Xinerama!  Unfortunately with the Matrox card,
there are still two issues: switching from X to
virtual consoles with <ctrl>+<alt>+Fn doesn't work
(the VGA display is hopelessly messed up) and I've got
to return the Matrox cards to the PCs I pulled them
out of soon! ;-)

I'd like to get the Elsa Gloria Synergy 8 cards
working with Xinerama + XFree 4.1 - is there any
configuration magic with the Miata and these Elsa

If that's hopeless, what adapters are recommended for
dual-head use on Alpha considering that the SRM
console is a bit dated and that I'd like to conserve a
PCI slot if possible? (:

Are the Matrox G450 / G200 MMS PCI dual-heads worth a

many thanks again,

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