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Re: Tru64 emulation

> I was wondering where I could find more about emulating Tru64 binaries 
> on Linux.  I've had a browse around 
> http://www.tru64unix.compaq.com/affinity/affinity-tools.html and that 
> seems to refer to Linux->Tru64 emulation.

DEC/Compaq/HP (sigh), released a set of compatability libraries
(basically lifted from Tru64 together with /sbin/loader etc), under a
licence which doesn't require a Tru64 licence (and is
re-distributable) which allow many dynamlic Tru64 binaries to run on
Linux/Alpha.  In particular netscape4, acroread work, but some stuff
(like matlab, idl) doesn't 'cos they need extra libs which arn't in
the included set.

Some distros seem to include them as a package called "Tru64-compat",
but Debian doesn't (wrong kind of licence I would guess).  You could
pick up an rpm (for example) and convert it (alien etc).

I suppose I could ask why Tru64-compat isn't in non-free (on the
mirror I looked at anyway), but I'll leave that to people who decide
these things.

Of course if the machines are licenced for Tru64 you can copy over the
libraries and much more will probably work...

[Disclaimer; I don't (currently) run Debian on any of my Alphas, I was
just browsing the list...]
Jon Peatfield,  DAMTP,  Computer Officer,   University of Cambridge
Telephone: +44 1223  3 37852    Mail: J.S.Peatfield@damtp.cam.ac.uk

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