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Re: CIA machine check?

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 16:21, Paul Slootman wrote:
> On Thu 29 Aug 2002, bob wrote:
> > Any pointers on how to interpret the following... and whether it had
> > anything to do with a crash more than 24hrs later. 
> May have.

Oh :(.

> Unfortunately you don't say what kernel version you use...

Sorry, should have thought of that...
2.4.18-generic. Also I'm apt-getting "testing".  
> I got something like this some time ago, and after cleaning out the
> totally blocked filter in front of the cooling fan it's over...
> So for me it was probably related to overheating. I'm now running
> 2.4.19-rc2 without any such problems.

Hmm... Ok. I did have one of those Doh! moments when I allowed cron to
start a bunch of setiathome clients [starting with -nolock] during the
time frame in question (got the load ave up to 16 before I noticed :().
Perhaps there was some heat issues due to that.

I'll look at the inside of the case too, just in case :).
> Paul Slootman
Cave canem...te necet lingendo.

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