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Re: Tcl/Tk - canvas items rectangle and ovals are not displayed

On Sat, Aug 17, 2002 at 05:26:40PM +0200, Harald Simon wrote:
> Hi,
> I found out, that the canvas items rectangle and ovals are not 
> displayed. Only what I can see is, in case of the rectangle, a dot and, 
> in case of the ovals, a line. The length of the line is changing while 
> scrolling. I suppose, that the compilation of tk is not quite right. I 
> tried tk8.2, tk8.3 and woody/stable.

This is a known bug. It does not happen in RH 6.2/7.1 but in PLD and
Debian (on alpha). So I also suspect a compilation switch, but I did
not have time to compare the settings. I asked in the tcl newsgroup
but did not receive much response yet.

See also bugs #151435 and #156702.

And hint gladly taken.

Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               Helge.Kreutzmann@itp.uni-hannover.de
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