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Re: booting on a microway alpha box

I just wanted to thank everyone here for their help.  I finally got it:

boot hdb:/boot/linux root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1

I boot the kernel from the CD and the boot disk off floppy... I suspect
I could do the whoel thing from CD if I give it the path to the root
image.  I will try that sometime, but I wanted to put this into the mail
list so that if anyone else went searching for it in the future they
would find this email.

thanks everyone..

On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 03:29, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> Jon Leonard <jleonard@slimy.com> writes:
> > On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 01:47:27PM -0500, Douglas Fils wrote:
> > [ Snip: continued problems booting alphas off CDROMs ]
> > 
> > > Question:
> > > I should be able to boot into Debian from the CD (disk 1) correct?
> > > 
> > > thansk for everyones help and time with this..
> > > I'm really hoping to wipe all our alpha machines to debian 3.0, (we have
> > > about 30+ of these beasts and they are running old RH 6.2)
> > 
> > Maybe it'd be easier to accomplish that goal differently.  (That, and I'm
> > out of ideas on how to make it work.  It looks like SRM may be able to
> > boot from CD, but that doesn't work with MILO.)
> srm boots aboot normaly but it can boot milo too.
> But if you have problems heres another method:
> Since you have RH installed you already have partitions and a
> bootloader in place. You most likely also have a swap partition.
> - Copy the debian kernel next to your redhat one.
> - gunzip the root.bin and copy that onto the swap partition (swapoff first)
> - add a boot entry for the debian kernel with root=/dev/<your swap>
> - reboot
> That should give you the debian installer and access to the cdrom and
> network and from there on everything goes by the docs. Only difference
> is that you need to reboot if you repartition your harddrive, since
> linux won't reread the partition table of a used drive.
> Alternativey to using the swap partition you can use a zip or mo disk
> or a spare drive, but one doesn't allways have that around.
> > It's possible to do a Debian install from an existing unix or Linux system,
> > which is how I wound up migrating from Redhat to Debian Slink.  Apparently
> > the process is better supported now, and documented under:
> > 
> > http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/alpha/ch-preparing.en.html#s-linux-upgrade
> > 
> > In particular, the section starting:
> > 3.7 Installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System
> > 
> > The basic idea is to make disk partitions (at least one) and untar
> > debootstrap into it, then boot with that as the root filesystem.
> > 
> > It might also be easier to clone hard disks after you have one system up,
> > saving the effort of doing the common part of the configuration repeatedly.
> > 
> > Does that look viable for you?
> Theres a package just for that, hopefully thats mentioned in the above
> url. Its called "debootstrap" and should also work on non-debian
> system. It sets up a complete chroot for you which can be converted to
> a real systems with a few adjustments, like adding a /etc/fstab,
> setting the hostname and such.
> MfG
>         Goswin

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