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Re: A question of speed...

> I have an axp150 (jensen) running potato.
> I won't go into the excruciating details of my initial install on this *pig*
> but..
> I was running 2.2.13 that came bundled with the install.
> I decided to go to 2.4.18. now that is fine, I don't have any problems.
> But, I noticed something a bit strange and wondered if anyone could shed
> some light on the subject for me.
> under 2.2.13 I get a delay loop calc. of 145.23 BogoMIPS
> under 2.4.18 I get a delay loop calc. of 292.12 BogoMIPS
> my questions:-
> Why the big difference?
> Is this real or a trick of the light?

Well... I don't know if it happens on other machines, but I had a similar
experience when jumping from 2.2.x to 2.4.x - 2.4 does not get correctly
the clock speed, thinks it's much higher. In my case, I have a LX164
running at 600MHz, and 2.4 reported it was running at over 2500MHz - I
really wish it was true! ;-)

Everything worked fine, but the system clock ran -as expected- very slow -
Every second lasted for over four seconds. To solve this problem, I pass
the parameter 'cycle=600000000' to the kernel at bootup. To do this if you
are using SRM, edit your /etc/aboot.conf and specify it as simple as:

0:1/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/hda1 cycle=600000000
1:1/vmlinuz.old ro root=/dev/hda1 cycle=600000000

(of course, with your configuration, specially for the root device).
then, just 'swriteboot -vf 3 /dev/hda /boot/bootlx' and you are set.


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@campus.iztacala.unam.mx - (+52-55)5623-1118
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

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