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fyi build bug squashing...

hey all...just a fyi that I'm digging through build logs and any that
fail due to optimization are getting bug reports as they do not build
from source.  The main reason I'm spouting this here is that if any of
you are manually building packages and are working around these bugs without
filing a bug report should stop and start filing bug reports with a severity
of serious.  Since we are close to freeze and release we must be concerned
that a user who installs woody can easily do a apt-get source package and
build it without having to go hack on g++ or do anything except debian/rules

so...if you find packages that do not built from source becuase they need to 
be built with -O0 -mieee then make sure a bug report has been filed telling
the maintainer what is wrong ...I'll tag below what my reports say... and
set the severity to Serious (the package *must* build from source on all
released arch's without anything fancy).




g++ apps need to be build with no optimization on alpha due to some problems
with the compiler.  It is best to pass

   -O0 -mieee

off to CXXFLAGS at build time for alpha builds otherwise you'll end up
with build problems like this.

Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

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