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Re: Alpha Milo/rescue/root floppies on LX164

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 03:09:36AM +0200, Falk Hueffner wrote:
> BTW, does anybody know if it is possible to launch AlphaBios from SRM
> on an SX164? I know how to *install* it, but for testing purposes it
> would be nice if I could launch it off a floppy.

IIRC you just have to put the rom-image of AlhaBios on a floppy and
use the "arc" command in SRM. No, it's not documented with "help" :)

The other possibility is to use the failsafe-booting of the
SX164. Switch the dip 7 on the motherboard to off and put the floppy
with the rom-image into the diskdrive. The machine should emit a
"beep --- beep beep --- beep beep beep" and then loads the BIOS from
floppy. The SX164 even talks about booting MILO directly from failsafe
mode but my only try did not work out...


P.S.: I hope that there are no subversions of the SX board with
      different dips... *shudder*

Thimo Neubauer <thimo@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 semi-frozen! See http://www.debian.org/ for details

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