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Problems on installing Debian 2.2r3 on a Jensen...

Hi all,
I am trying to install Debian 2.2r3 on a DEC2000 300 (Jensen). I used the jensen17.img from http://www.alphalinux.org/docs/jensen-install-0.7.shtml as the boot image on my first partition. When switching to the OSF console the machine automaticallly boots into aboot ??? Well don't think that should be a problem, but still.
At the aboot promt I will type :
aboot> b 0/dists/potato/main/disks-alpha/current/jensen/linux
The machine starts to boot the kernel. I've read earlier postings on this subject, saying that when using "boot -FL "i" dkax00" (SRM Console) the above line on the aboot prompt doesn't want to boot the kernel on the CD en generates errors like "unknown compressing method". My method boots the kernel from the CD. It asks for the floppy containing the ramdisk (I've used the rescue.bin from the CD, but I don't know if that is the correct one to use for a ramdisk).
It is loading the ramdisk, but after a while I'll get a errormessage :
Warning: unable to open a initial console.
Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.
After that it is end of business. Does anyone have a clue. I think that I'm using the wrong image for a ramdisk, But I'm not sure.
Alex Slok

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