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Building Nautilus on Sid/Alpha...

Nautilus 1.0 ./configure refuses to find the freetype libs... I have to add 
--with-freetype2-includes=/usr/include/" to ./configure to make it build.. 
(--with-freetype2-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 does not work)
The buildprocess in "apt-get -b source nautilus" does NOT do that, it fails 
right there on the freetype2-check.... 

Both freetype1 (freetype2-dev) and freetype2 (libfreetype6-dev) has to be 
Then, *after* ./configure, you have to do a VERY UGLY hack:
# cd /usr/lib
# mv freetype freetype1
# ln -s freetype2/freetype freetype
I seems that configure is checking for freetype1 but it needs freetype2, or 
something like that....
restore the old freetype-dirs after compilation...

This should be fixed in the Makefile.in or something... I'm not very familiar 
with creating autoconf/automake files...

Also, it's missing components/music/dct64.c ... only dct64_i386.c is there, 
and it doesn't work on alpha so I had to remove "music" from 
components/Makefile's SUBDIRS-line and remove musicsupport :(

Then, after compilation, guess what?!  It doesn't run :(  "nautilus can't be 
run right now. runnint 'nautilus-clean -x' from the console might help"... 
But it doesn't :(

How to fix all this? Guess we have to bitch Eazel about it.... :)

BTW, how can I do an "apt-get source" that automagically check the 
build-depends and installs them in the right order?

Per Wigren

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