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Re: install 2.2r2 from floppies, wrong disk!

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 10:18:35PM -0700, Ray L wrote:
> hi folks
> i grabbed .../dists/potato/main/disks-alpha/2.2.20-2000-12-03 from a mirror
> and am trying to get things installed from floppies.
> when i get to "Install Operating System Kernel and Modules", the rescue disk
> works fine, but the driver-1 disk says
>   This is disk 1 of 2 in the drv14alpha_generic series of
>   25-Nov-2000 20:04 EST.
>   Wrong disk.  This is from series drv14alpha_generic.
>   You need disk 1 of series the driver series.
> any idea what i'm doing wrong?

hi again

sorry to follow up to my own post, but i did manage to work around this:

  - untar drivers.tgz on my other linux box
  - remove a few excess modules until everything fits onto a floppy, tarred
    and gzipped
  - put the reduced drivers.tgz on a floppy
  - start a shell from dbootstrap
  - untar the floppy into /target
  - modprobe the nic module
  - ifconfig the interface
  - add a route
  - exit the shell

i could then continue the install using the network (much better than
floppies :-)

  Ray Lehtiniemi <rayl@otii.com> <rayl@mail.com>

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