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Re: Netscape

On Wed 20 Dec 2000, Naohiko Shimizu wrote:
> In article <[🔎] 200012182050.eBIKo3Y28204@sirppi.helsinki.fi>
> Topi.Junkkari@iki.fi writes:
> >> The system is a 166 MHz UDB (noname) with 128 MB RAM and enough disk
> >> space. I am running plain vanilla potato with kernel 2.2.17.
> I think 2.2.17 kernel needs a patch to use with EV4 processors.

A UDB doesn't have an EV4 processor:

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
cpu                     : Alpha
cpu model               : LCA4
cpu variation           : -4294967301
cpu revision            : 0
cpu serial number       : Linux_is_Great!
system type             : Noname

$ uname -r

I did get the following message in my syslog recently:

kernel: alpha_fp_emul: Invalid FP insn 0xbc at 0x2000108a738

However I have no idea what triggered this, I wasn't logged in at that
time (the system is running as my firewall / gateway for my cablemodem).
And the system is still running...

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.demon.nl http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
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