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Re: -taso flag?

Christopher C. Chimelis (chris@debian.org) wrote:

> BTW, I'm cc'ing debian-alpha on this in case there's any similar questions
> in people's heads :-)

Good idea.. :-)  

> Here's the scoop: the -taso flag doesn't alter anything but the base
> memory address space.  It won't "scale" down the sizes of things, but
> makes it so that pointer addresses will truncate and still fit into an
> int-sized variable.  So, it won't act like using a SMALL memory model (to
> liken it to Windows development models in the past), where it would resize
> ints and longs to act just like i386's, but it will scale down where the
> memory locations are so that they fit in the lower 32-bit address space,
> thus making them safe for people that do pointer arithematic or assign
> memory addresses to 32-bit ints.

Ok, this is where I got lost. Thanks for clearing it up. 
> The file info won't change.  We never changed to using an ELF32 file
> format (which we wouldn't want to do), just modified where the linker
> places things in memory.  FYI, I'm not sure the Linux kernel on Alpha
> supports elf32alpha anymore (not since the BLADE days, if I remember
> correctly), but I could be wrong.

Ok, that's what I kinda thought but wasn't sure. That's why I provided
that example code and asked.  

> Let me know if you have any questions.  I'm glad it worked and proud to
> say that we're the first linux dist that's going to include -taso in the
> binutils package in a release distribution :-)

One more question: How similar is our -taso compared to Tru64's?

Assuming potato gets released soon. ;-) 

Thanks again,


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