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Re: [jamie@audible.transient.net: Bug#74224: 3.1.8 in proposed-updates depends on unstable libc (alpha)]

On Mon 09 Oct 2000, Christopher C. Chimelis wrote:
> Like I said, nevermind...I'm only doing it this way because my net access
> was a bit sporadic last night and wasn't able to connect to faure for
> awhile.  I'm not going to argue about it since it's not worth it...

Sometimes Wichert isn't very diplomatic... :-)
If builds for potato are necessary, I can do them as my alpha
is still potato (no time to keep up at the moment). However,
due to the same time constraints I don't have time to keep an
eye out for these requests, so if any come along, email them
to me personally (i.e. no cc to a list to prevent procmail rules
from putting the message in a list mbox instead of my normal
inbox). I'll then see it ASAP and be able to upload within 24 hours.

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.demon.nl http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
work:       paul@murphy.nl       http://www.murphy.nl/
debian:     paul@debian.org      http://www.debian.org/
isdn4linux: paul@isdn4linux.org  http://www.isdn4linux.org/

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