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international kernel patches


I recently stumbled upon the international kernel patches
(www.kerneli.org) which
allow the use of an encrypted loopback filesystem under linux.  I have
patched the
kernel and would like to give it a shot, but setting up the encrypted
filesystem requires
patching util-linux.  So I used apt to get the source for the
debian-alpha util linux (I'm
using potato) and got version 2.10f.  Unfortunately, I could only find
patches for
util-linux version 2.9w and 2.10m.  I have yet to try either of these
out because frankly,
patching util-linux scares me.  does anybody know anything about these
patches, whether
either one is compatible with the util-linux version 2.10f source
distributed with
potato or whether they are compatible with alphas at all?  Any advice
would be greatly

Luke Shulenburger

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