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Rescue for Ruffian doesn't boot


we have a new 21164 533 MHz system, with a Samsung 164 UX2 motherboard,
256 Mo RAM, IDE Disk and ATI Rage II video card on the first PCI slot
(full 64 bit).

Yesterday, we couldn't boot using the debian 2.1 rescue disk for Ruffian.
Well, it does boot, but stops after unzipping the kernel, after :

#UNZIP (or something like that)

and then nothing happens. We had to use a sort of kernel for RH 5.2 to
solve the problem (generic kernel from RH 6.0 doesn't work, complaining
about PYXIS ....). This kernel caused a lot of "paging faults".

Now, with a 2.2.10 newly compiled kernel, it seems to be quite stable.

We were surprised, because we are used to Debian on Intel architecture,
and we appreciate the stability and the "done the right-way" of the debian

Milo was taken from gatekeeper.

[                              `""'                                     ]
[ Xavier Montagutelli          0--0                                     ]
[               ---------oOOo---()---oOOo----------                     ]
[ INSA Toulouse - Dpt de Mathematiques   Tel: +33 5 61 55 93 38         ]
[ Complexe scientifique de Rangueil      Fax: +33 5 61 55 93 20         ]
[ 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4                 Mel: montagut@gmm.insa-tlse.fr ]

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