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Re: initial boot for install

Derik barclay (derik.barclay@home.com) wrote:

> I have a DEC AXP PCI33 that I have been trying to boot (for install) using a
> 2.1_r2 CD distribution.
> I load MILO then boot using "fd0:linux root=/dev/fd0".
> it boots appears to have detected all my hardware (except my second eather
> card), then prompts me to insert the root floppy. When I do I get:
> "Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00"
> I am using root1440.bin taken from
> "<CD>:\dists\slink\main\disks-alpha\1999-03-05\".
> Is this correct? what am I missing?

You need to add "load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1" to your command. So you'll do "boot fd0:linux
root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1"


= Ronald Burnett Farrer =
- "mailto:rbf@magnesium.net";       -
- "http://www.magnesium.net/~rbf/"; -
! If you let Windows dominate, expect the worst: !
! "WORLD.SYS is corrupt, reboot UNIVERSE Y/n"    !
? "How could this [Y2K Bug] be a problem in a country ?
? where we have Intel and Microsoft?" -- Al Gore      ?

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