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Re: Install UDB with only CDROM?

goswin.brederlow@student.uni-tuebingen.de writes:

> > There's still the Problem, that milo which gets loaded from a small
> > dos partition on the first drive refuses to load any kernel from the
> > first drive. (second drive, floppy, CD and ZIP all work with any
> > filesystem on them but trying to boot from the first drive [all SCSI]
> > it complains about invalid gzip format)

> I had the same problem with an older milo (compiled for 2.0.32),
> updating to the one from the rescuedisk solved it.

I don't think upgrading MILO helped... I used the one from the CD
first (the rescue-disk image appears to be ext2 and I still cannot
reliably read any floppies) and then grabbed one from gatekeeper (I
think, that's where I got it from.) neither of which will read from
the first hard disk. I'm not entirely sure which of the MILOs I have
right now, since I swapped back and forth several times, at any rate,
I have a version that doesn't accept partition names as commands (the
other one I had, would just change it's working directory to the
partition if a partition name was given as command).
For the moment, this is rather low in my scheduler queue since I have
to do my thesis and then want to fix taper (I've already narrowed the
problem to a function but I don't understand the code yet) before
looking at the boot oddies again. After all, one doesn't have to spend 
all that much time booting the machine because it's Linux :-)

kind Regards,
Eberhard Burr    check http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
                 for PGP Key -- #include <stddisc.h> -- electric cookie follows
A small town that cannot support one lawyer can always support two.

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