RE: modem issues
My multia you may have the same prob - i couldn't get anything to work till
i dropped the serial port to 33.6k whihc for a 56k modem is worthless - my
guess is a flakey serial port because i remember seeing somewhere about
pc164's (i think) having serial port problems aslo.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Paul Blaquiere []
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 1999 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: modem issues
> On Aug 22, Dave Wiard scrawled :
> the modem. I just looked today, it's set to non-pnp, com2, irq3. I've
> tried minicom, wvdial and pon to get it to dial, but it simply doesn't
> dial out. I have them all pointing at /dev/ttyS1. I have it set to init
it may be that you are trying the wrong com port?
what board do you have and how many other serial ports are installed in the
machine. Check to see which port the card thinks it is (maybe from the old
setup) Also, are you familiar with the concept that linux numbers stuff
0 and not from 1?
regards and good luck,
Jean-Paul Blaquiere
gotta again
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